Friday, September 30, 2022

Russia faces invasion by transvestite horde -- Putin

Dictator Vladimir Putin told Russia that the Ukraine war is justified in order to prevent a transvestite horde from taking over Russia.

"Do we really want ... it drilled into children in our schools ... that there are supposedly genders besides women and men, and [children to be] offered the chance to undergo sex change operations?” "Mad Vlad" asserted that Western elites wished to impose a Satanic religion on the citizenry. “This is a complete denial of humanity, the overthrow of faith and traditional values. Indeed, the suppression of freedom itself has taken on the features of a religion: outright Satanism.”

In order to thwart an invasion of transvestite priests, "Mad Vlad" spoke out in favor of the use of nuclear weapons, arguing that the United States had used atomic bombs on Japan eight decades ago. He also brought up actions of the "Anglo-Saxons" in the 19th Century -- when cultural values were much different worldwide -- without speaking of the czarist era oppressions.

The fact that in the United States there is a fierce debate over whether schoolchildren should be permitted free choice on "sex change" decisions has been taken by Putin to mean that, if Russia doesn't win in Ukraine, legions of transvestites will be empowered in Russia, an idea that has a certain plausibility if it is assumed that Russia couldn't possibly resist such cultural inroads should the "special military operation" fail.

Putin's tenuous hold on reality is demonstrated by his playing general as the military situation deteriorates, as a Reuters report linked below indicates:

Encircled Russian stronghold faces destruction

But Mad Vlad won't negotiate safe conduct for troops;
'annexed region' about to be overrun by Ukrainians

Encircled Russian stronghold faces destruction

But Mad Vlad won't negotiate safe conduct for troops;
'annexed region' about to be overrun by Ukrainians

Thursday, September 29, 2022

'General' Putin annexing region before victory

Vladimir is starting to become known as "mad Vlad" as the dirty war in Ukraine spins out of control.

Normally, countries annex territory only after a conquest is secure. That's certainly been true throughout Russian history.

Yet Russia's military situation is quite desperate and so the notion that east Ukraine can be held is quite an open question. At the moment, a shattered Russian force estimated at less than 100,000 poorly equipped men is trying to fend off an assault by a well-equipped army of 700,000.

Though more replacements will be sent to Ukraine, the problem for Russia is that they are unlikely to arrive in time to stave off a devastating and humiliating rout.

Of course, Putin may be gambling that the Biden group -- despite all the rhetoric -- will pull Ukraine's punch by refusing to supply the types of arms needed for Ukraine to take advantage of its recent gains.

Everyone believes Mad Vlad ordered the undersea Nordstream pipelines sabotaged in order to try to compel Europe to cease assisting Ukraine immediately. Sabotage of course permits the Kremlin to say that it is not violating sales agreements.

But all General Putin has accomplished is to spur European nations to find reliable energy sources and to suspend some "green" initiatives temporarily. That is, Gen. Putin has further undercut Russia's already precarious economy -- especially in light of the fact that Russia is essentially a petro-state that will collapse economically if energy sales are excessively curtailed.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

'General' Putin exposes Petersburg flank

Though the "special military operation" has escalated into a conflict that can easily spill over onto Russian soil, there are few soldiers left to guard the northwest frontier against any incursions from European nations or NATO forces, according to reports.

Russian media, which are generally deferential toward Dictator Vladimir Putin, have been careful to avoid informing the Russian public that their leader had escalated the war while leaving a critical flank dangerously exposed, though Russian leaders have repeatedly warned of threats by NATO forces, some of which have deployed toward the northeast areas of the European Union.

Of 80,000 soldiers defending the vital St. Petersburg region, 80 percent -- or 74,000 -- have been redeployed to the "dirty war" in Ukraine, Pentagon and European defense sources are quoted as saying. Nearly all their armaments have gone with them. Yet, NATO concedes that in "response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Allies have sent additional ships, planes and troops to NATO territory in eastern Europe, further reinforcing the Alliance’s deterrence and defense posture."

See Foreign Policy report

Though the region near the Finnish border is still guarded by air defenses, some missile batteries have been removed to Ukraine, according to another report. Thus far, Russia's Baltic Sea naval operations are still able to provide some support in the event of a land incursion. But, given the shocking sinking of the warship Moskva in the Black Sea, there are questions as to how secure the navy really is.

The Foreign Policy report says,
A significant number of the Russian forces pulled away from the region are in Russia’s 6th Army, which until recently had been responsible for fighting in the Kremlin-occupied Kharkiv Oblast that has been overrun by a lightning Ukrainian counteroffensive in the last month. The 6th Army is typically tasked with defending Russia’s border along with the Baltic States and Finland.
NATO forces in the Baltic and Eastern European countries have been beefed up in response to Russian "aggression," the organization says.
✓ NATO has increased its military presence in the eastern part of the Alliance as a direct result of Russia’s behavior, which reflects a pattern of aggressive actions against its neighbours and the wider transatlantic community. Russia is the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area.

✓ At the 2016 NATO Summit in Warsaw, in response to the increased instability and insecurity along NATO’s periphery, Allied Heads of State and Government agreed to establish NATO’s forward presence in the northeast and southeast of the Alliance. This forward presence was first deployed in 2017, with the creation of four multinational battalion-size battlegroups in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, led by the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and the United States respectively. In the southeast, a tailored presence on land, at sea and in the air contributed to increased Allied activity in the region, situational awareness, interoperability and responsiveness.

✓ Following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Allies reinforced the existing battlegroups and agreed to establish four more multinational battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. This has brought the total number of multinational battlegroups to eight, effectively doubled the number of troops on the ground and extended NATO’s forward presence along the Alliance’s eastern flank – from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south.

✓ Allies are committed to deploying robust and combat-ready forces on the Alliance’s eastern flank. The eight battlegroups demonstrate the strength of the transatlantic bond and the Alliance’s solidarity, determination and ability to respond to any aggression.

✓ At the 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid, Allies agreed to enhance the multinational battlegroups from battalions up to brigade size, where and when required.

✓ Many activities undertaken by Allies nationally also contribute to increased Allied activity in the eastern part of the Alliance.

✓ In response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Allies have sent additional ships, planes and troops to NATO territory in eastern Europe, further reinforcing the Alliance’s deterrence and defence posture.

Foreign Policy reporters on this story are Robbie Gramer, diplomacy and national security reporter, and Jack Detsch, Pentagon and national security reporter.

Stay out of Russia, Americans are told

U.S. warns its citizens that embassy
may not be able to help the stranded

 Security Alert for U.S. Citizens in Russia

 U.S. Embassy Moscow, Russia (September 27, 2022) 


Event:  On September 21, the Russian government began a mobilization of its citizens to the armed forces in support of its invasion of Ukraine.  Russia may refuse to acknowledge dual nationals’ U.S. citizenship, deny their access to U.S. consular assistance, prevent their departure from Russia, and conscript dual nationals for military service.  


Commercial flight options are extremely limited at present and are often unavailable on short notice.  Overland routes by car and bus are still open.  If you wish to depart Russia, you should make independent arrangements as soon as possible.  The U.S. Embassy has severe limitations on its ability to assist U.S. citizens, and conditions, including transportation options, may suddenly become even more limited.


U.S. citizens should not travel to Russia and those residing or travelling in Russia should depart Russia immediately while limited commercial travel options remain.  The Department of State provides information on commercial travel on the Information for U.S. Citizens in Russia – Travel Options Out of Russia page on  This site also provides information on requirements for entering neighboring countries, procedures for travel on expired U.S. passports in some circumstances, and visa requirements for families with American and Russian citizen family members.

We remind U.S. citizens that the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression are not guaranteed in Russia.  Avoid all political or social protests and do not photograph security personnel at these events.  Russian authorities have arrested U.S. citizens who have participated in demonstrations.


Actions To Take:

• Read the Department’s Travel Advisory for Russia.

• Carry proper identification, including a U.S. passport with a current Russian visa.

• Have a contingency plan that does not rely on U.S. government assistance.



• U.S. Embassy Moscow, Russia

   Telephone: +(7) (495) 728-5577; After hours: +(7) (495) 728-5000


   Website:   U.S. Embassy Moscow

• U.S. Department of State – Consular Affairs

• Telephone:  +1 202-501-4444 (overseas) or +1 888-407-4747 (from the U.S.)

• Russia Country Information

• Enroll in Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security updates

• Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Monday, September 26, 2022

'Russia sealing borders to pen in draft-age men'

Meduza, an independent Russian news site now based in Latvia, reports that draft-age men will be forbidden to leave the country as of Wednesday. It quotes an unnamed source close to the Kremlin as saying that authorities plan to close the borders. It adds that men of conscription age would have to obtain permission from a military enlistment office before being allowed to leave.

On Friday Finland's president, Sauli Niinistö, and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy decided that Finland should further restrict the entry of Russians and the issuance of visas.

The Meduza report
Russian authorities plan to close the borders to men of mobilization age, a source close to the Russian presidential administration told Meduza.

A second source, also close to the administration, says this will occur after the “referendums” which are currently ongoing in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics, and the occupied territories in the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions Ukraine. The “referendums” will end on the evening of September 27.

The source noted that there will be something like “exit visas.” Men will need to receive permission from the military enlistment office to leave Russia.

Meduza reported earlier that borders would remain open until the end of the “referendums” on September 27.

Mobilization in Russia began on September 21. According to the Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, members of the reserves who have appropriate military specializations and combat experience are subject to conscription. A government web portal says that privates and sergeants ages 35 and under, junior officers 50 and under, and senior officers 55 and under are subject to mobilization on a “priority basis.” Soldiers and sergeants remain in the reserves until age 50, and generals until age 70.

A source close to one of Russia’s federal ministries told Meduza that Russia plans to call up 1.2 million people for army service as part of the mobilization.
The Kremlin has sought to calm Russians, saying that no decisions have been made to shut the borders or impose martial law. But the backlash has already begun as even Putin allies were forced to acknowledge that the "partial mobilization" has set off waves of dissent and public anxiety.

Draft protests worry key Putin allies

A top legislative ally of Dictator Vladimir Putin said yesterday that she approves of some of the anti-conscription protesting that is shaking Russia.

Unprepared officials have been disconcerted by he suddenness of the sweeping "partial mobilization" for new manpower for the Ukraine "special military operation." Media reports tell of many men seized for service who do not meet criteria that the public was allowed to see. There are however secret protocols on the implementation of the draft, independent media have discovered.

Reuters relates that Valentina Matviyenko, the chairwoman of Russia's upper house, the Federation Council, said she was aware of reports of men who should be ineligible for the draft being called up.

"Such excesses are absolutely unacceptable. And, I consider it absolutely right that they are triggering a sharp reaction in society," she said in a post on the Telegram messaging app.

In a direct message to Russia's regional governors - who she said had "full responsibility" for implementing the call-up - she wrote: "Ensure the implementation of partial mobilization is carried out in full and absolute compliance with the outlined criteria. Without a single mistake."

Another Putin ally, Vyacheslav Volodin, who is speaker of the State Duma, Russia's lower chamber, also expressed concern in a separate post.

"Complaints are being received," he said.

"If a mistake is made, it is necessary to correct it ... Authorities at every level should understand their responsibilities."
More from Reuters

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Can a new attitude on carbon
ease Europe's Russia fuel bind?

Britain's new prime minister, Liz Truss, is set to ease "green" controls on energy production in order to revive the nation's energy industry and curtail reliance on Russian fuel supplies. This means lifting the moratoriums on fracking and North Sea oil pumping, among other measures.

Though these measures shouldn't substantially alter the United Kingdom's carbon footprint, that point is liable to get lost in consternation over the rollback of "green" limitations.

Germany, which has also been guzzling a large portion of Russia's natural gas, is now being forced to return to coal-fired power plants in order to keep homes warm and businesses humming. The coal plants however do not have to pollute the atmosphere, as they doubtless will be equipped with modern scrubbers and filters that prevent harmful sulfur and other chemicals from going up the smokestacks.

But is the carbon situation as bad as the media and green politicians tell us? If not, Europe may find that its energy problem is solvable. No need to depend on Russia or on renewables, either. Why? Because atmospheric carbon is far more helpful than harmful, according to two highly accredited Princeton physicists, a thought that -- if not smothered by news media -- is likely to resonate with Americans frustrated over high gasoline prices and, in some locales, exorbitant utility bills.

William Happer and Freeman Dyson, the physicists, have scorned "climate change hysteria" and argued that
✓ More atmospheric carbon tends to boost crops, which benefits humanity

✓ The effect on climate change is real but does not seem to be perilous

✓ The more CO2 we pump into the atmosphere, the less effect it has on warming

✓ Diminishing returns: the CO2 impact decelerates logarithmically

✓ Computer models are way off base and not useful for prediction

✓ Though atmospheric carbon has risen 40% since the pre-industrial era, the Earth's atmosphere shows only a slight increase in temperature -- and most of that increase came before the 1940s, despite worldwide fossil-fuel use having surged greatly since then
William Happer

The late Freeman Dyson

Dyson interview
Happer interview

Putin's home city stripped of missile defenses

Petersburg, Russia's 2d largest city, left exposed
to enemy air systems in event war escalates further

The missile batteries went to Donbas
to replace lost and shattered weaponry

An enterprising reporter used Google Earth to document the transfers:
Finnish news report

Video on missile withdrawal

Right-to-life activist treated as domestic terrorist

FBI swat team descends on dad, frightened kids
over a charge of obstructing abortion clinic;
Wife says matter had been dismissed in Pennsy
but that Biden Justice Dept. sought federal case

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Can elite turn Trump into paper tiger?

Many are persuaded that the multi-pronged efforts to "get" Donald Trump with civil and criminal sanctions are intended to put the "racist and sexist" tycoon behind bars before he can do "further damage" to the country.

But these ardent Trump bashers are sadly mistaken. That is not the aim of the elite clique of American oligarchs and Deep State bureaucrats. The real aim is to compel Trump to accept the oligarchs' terms and turn him into a paper tiger.

They want to back him into a corner so that all he can do is make noises about making America great while being hamstrung to prevent him from changing the basic agenda of the globalist, pseudo-green China lobby.

Seeing the handwriting on the wall as Trump moves to consolidate his grip on the Republican Party and the upcoming Congress, the oligarchs are pulling out the stops in their attempts to force him to accept a ceasefire. Trump, being a canny negotiator, may well accept some of these terms.

But he knows that if he sells out his constituencies of blue collar America and the nation's small to midsize business persons, his rival Ron Desantis will likely nail the GOP nomination.

Thus, the oligarchs' gambit is unlikely to prosper -- though Trump may well play them along. In any case, oligarchical forces in the Biden Justice Department and in state attorney general offices have no appetite for railroading Trump into prison, or even for direct indictments. Eager beavers among prosecutors will discover that higher political considerations will blunt their zeal.

'General' Putin leaves salient exposed

Professional commanders have urged tactical withdrawal from Kherson in order to avoid the cut-off of Russian soldiers there, but Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin, fearing a propaganda coup for Ukraine, overruled them.

The Kherson unit now faces being flanked and surrounded. With their supplies coming across easily destroyed pontoon bridges, Russian soldiers in Kherson face a grim future, whether by a long, grinding siege or by rapid annihilation.

Appointment of a new commander of military supply chains is unlikely to solve problems such as the Kherson pontoon bridge threat or the fact that shoddy equipment -- including rusty old rifles -- is all that is available to send to Putin's beleaguered forces.

Complicating matters is the fact that Putin's most ruthless commander, Col. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev, has been taken from the field in order to run army-wide logistics. Hence, the one general feared by the Ukrainians no longer is active on the battlefield. It is possible that Putin lost confidence in Mizintsez following the startling reverses across eastern Ukraine.

Mizintsez, the so-called "butcher of Syria," managed Moscow's brutal, and successful, siege of the port city of Mariupol.
More from The New York Times
More from BBC News

Call-up baffles, frightens Russians

Death in 'dirty war' an unpopular idea

Friday, September 23, 2022

Kremlin struggles to avert panic

Conscription is made to seem not so bad
but political deceptions arouse suspicion
A secret conscription decree clause shows that the Kremlin is actually ready to draft a million men -- more than three times the 300,000 figure that was given to the public -- into the armed forces in response to the catastrophic reversals in Ukraine, Novaya Gazeta, a dissident Russian newspaper reports.

Reporters saw the clause on an official website, according to the paper, and embarrassed officials shrugged off the information, which had been intended for official eyes only, saying that the 300,000 figure was what mattered.

The problem for President Vladimir Putin and his yes-men and yes-women is that the huge discrepancy gives a strong appearance of deception -- as if the public is being led to believe that the draft "won't be that all that bad." The appearance of deception is enhanced by the fact that -- at present -- the highest percentages of draftees are coming from poor areas of the Russian federation. Men in and around Moscow are being affected -- seemingly -- in much lower percentages. That discrepancy makes it look as if there is an intention to gull the public into thinking the call-up isn't quite so terrible after all.

The fact that men are being pressed into service in such a rapid, helter-skelter manner implies that Putin, who has been doing much of the generaling himself, fears a rout in eastern Ukraine and plans to rush barely trained troops to the front. Though these men have some military background, few are ready for the rigors of Ukraine's "dirty war," where the specter of death from advanced missilery and rocketry is a mind-numbing problem for demoralized Russian soldiers.

In addition, the notion that one million men are needed to face the Ukraine meatgrinder can only unsettle the public. If 200,000 men weren't enough against greatly outnumbered Ukrainians, why should a million be effective? "Won't they end as cannon fodder also?" will be a pressing question.

Putin has also done something very dangerous politically, according to U.S. Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, ret., who cited personal experience from his combat command. "Don't ever piss off wives or mothers," the general told CNN. "Putin has pissed off 300,000 wives or mothers. This is not going to end well."

The political problem can only escalate if one million wives and mothers are frightened and outraged.
More from the Kyiv Independent

More from Novaya Gazeta

How Reuters slants the news

We are often told that mainstream editors and reporters slant their coverage of Donald Trump and his supporters to make it as negative as possible. In case you think that that assertion is all right-wing propaganda, here is an example of slant and cant by Reuters:
Donald Trump's bid to impede a criminal investigation into his possession of documents taken from the White House has begun to unravel, legal experts said, after courtroom setbacks including doubts expressed by judges about the former president's claim that he declassified records seized at his Florida home.
The writer has it that Trump is bidding to impede a criminal investigation. Yet, an objective statement would be that he is attempting to keep attorney-client privileged files away from government agents. It is the Justice Department that asserts that Trump is merely trying to impede a criminal probe.

That any criminality has occurred is a point of contention. While president, Trump had power to declassify anything, according to past precedent. The fact that he may not have followed bureaucratic procedures has been raised as an issue by the government, with, Reuters says, appellate judges apparently agreeing.

Though the word "claim" is a perfectly respectable synonym for "assertion," the media tend to use it when the reporter wishes to imply the falseness of a statement. As a copy desk chief once said to me, "When you use the word 'claim,' you call a man a liar."

It's quite unfortunate that Trump haters taint Reuters work so severely -- because the agency has many very professional people doing solid work, including coverage of the Russo-Ukraine war. When we see such distortions about Trump, we must face the question of how much misrepresentation might be going on in the agency's seemingly exemplary war coverage.

It is perfectly acceptable that news persons have political preferences, even to the point of hatred of a politician. What is unacceptable is the unprofessional practice of "grinding an ax" as opposed to keeping the facts straight.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Putin pushes Ukraine to counter-invade

The decision by Vladimir Putin's Kremlin to escalate the Ukraine "special military operation" by changing Russia's borders now clears Ukrainian forces to advance into any Russian territory.

The United States and NATO allies had been trying to contain the war with the threat of refusing arms aid to Ukraine if its forces crossed into Russia or Belarus, a Soviet client state.

But by redrawing the borders, the Kremlin has declared that if Ukraine tries to reclaim its territory, Russia will be free to use any means -- including nuclear weapons -- to defend the area. As no one expects that the West will now urge Kiyv to cede the seized eastern region, it seems very probable that Ukrainian forces will act to retake the region before Moscow can send hundreds of thousands of new draftees to shore up the battered and demoralized occupation force.

By declaring that no holds are barred in the upcoming struggle, Putin's men have signaled the Ukrainians and their Western backers that restraint is pointless and that major actions in pre-conflict Russia are fair game.

The annexation of the seized sector of Ukraine is expected within a week.


Shocked Russians caught off guard
as men are swept up by draft gangs

Kremlin official threatens nukes for defense of seized territory
in tacit admission that Putin's Ukraine forces are failing

Big economic crunch looms over cost of war
and the drop-off in Europe energy sales

As startled Russians coped with their men suddenly being dragged from their jobs and homes to be forced to shore up the demolarized and badly battered military units remaining in Ukraine, a top Russian security official warned that Russia might use nuclear weapons to defend seized territory that it plans to formally annex within days.

Meanwhile, Russia was rocked yesterday by protests that drew the wrath of authorities and by the specter of men fleeing the nation for safer areas. The European Union was mulling over easing of passport controls in order to aid the escape of those targeted for conscription.

The security official, Dmitry Medvedev, said Thursday that any weapons in Moscow's arsenal, including strategic nuclear weapons, could be used to defend territories incorporated into Russia from Ukraine.

Medvedev, deputy security council chairman, said referendums being organized by Russian-installed and separatist authorities in large swathes of Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory will definitely take place -- that "there is no going back," and that the the Donbas republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and other territories "will be accepted into Russia."

Medvedev, an ex-president and close ally of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, said the protection of all the territories would be significantly strengthened by the Russian armed forces, adding:

"Russia has announced that not only mobilization capabilities, but also any Russian weapons, including strategic nuclear weapons and weapons based on new principles, could be used for such protection."

The referendums due to take place in the Russian-held parts of Ukraine's Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia provinces, as well as part of Mykolaiv province, from Friday are widely expected to produce results overwhelmingly endorsing joining Russia.

The plebiscites, being organized at a few days' notice under military occupation, have been labeled shams by Kyiv and its Western allies.

If formally admitted to the Russian Federation, the occupied territories, where Ukrainian counteroffensives have gathered pace in recent weeks, will under Moscow's nuclear doctrine be entitled to protection from Russian nuclear weapons.

From The Guardian:
Summons delivered to eligible men at midnight. Schoolteachers pressed into handing out draft notices. Men given an hour to pack their things and appear at draft centres. Women sobbing as they sent their husbands and sons off to fight in Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The first full day of Russia’s first mobilisation since the second world war produced emotional showdowns at draft centres and even signs of protest, while it appears Russia could be considering far more than the 300,000 new conscripts claimed by the defence minister, Sergei Shoigu.

“It’s not a partial mobilisation, it’s a 100% mobilisation,” said Alexandra Garmazhapova, president of the Free Buryatia Foundation, an activist group that has reported on the draft in the region. In the past day, she said, she and her colleagues had received and identified more than 3,000 reports of povestka, or draft papers, being delivered in Buryatia within just 24 hours of Vladimir Putin announcing the draft.

Despite assurances that Russia would be seeking men who had recently served in the army and had combat experience, activists pointed to a number of cases of men in their 50s receiving draft notices.
From The Times:
The country’s political talk shows, usually so deferential, have given the floor to more critical voices. Opponents of the war have weighed in — about 40 officials from municipal councils signed a petition requesting the president’s resignation — and previously loyal figures have begun to mutter about the regime’s failings. In a sign of general discontent, Alla Pugacheva, Russia’s most famous 20th-century pop star, has come out against the war. Six months of consensus has started to crack.
The Washington Post relates that Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov's son, Nikolai Peskov, aroused resentment over the likelihood that wealthy and politically connected figures would be spared military service.

The paper said,
Nikolai Peskov was less than enthusiastic about the idea that he could be sent to fight when he was phoned Wednesday by Dmitry Nizovtsev, a member of the team of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny and an opposition YouTube channel anchor. Nizovtsev, posing as a military official, demanded that the younger Peskov appear at a local military commissariat the following day at 10 a.m.

“Obviously I won’t come tomorrow at 10 a.m.,” the younger Peskov said. “You have to understand that I am Mr. Peskov and it’s not exactly right for me to be there. In short, I will solve this on another level.”
Holger Schmieding, chief economist at the Berenberg investment fund, points out that Putin not only faces economic problems from the need to fund the war and suppress dissent, but thatE Russia’s main bargaining chip when it comes to economic sanctions imposed by the West – its influence over the European energy market – is on the wane. CNBC News reports:
“Although Putin closed the Nord Stream 1 pipeline on 31 August, the EU continues to fill its gas storage facilities at a slightly slower but still satisfactory pace,” Schmieding noted, adding that even Germany — which was particularly exposed to Russian supplies — could get close to its 95% storage target ahead of winter.

Europe’s rapid shift away from Russian energy is particularly painful for the Kremlin: the energy sector represents around a third of Russian GDP, half of all fiscal revenues and 60% of exports, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Energy revenues fell to their lowest level in over a year in August, and that was before Moscow cut off gas flows to Europe in the hope of strong-arming European leaders into lifting the sanctions. The Kremlin has since being forced to sell oil to Asia at considerable discounts.

The decline in energy exports means the country’s budget surplus has been heavily depleted.

“Russia knows that it has no leverage left in its energy war against Europe. Within two or three years, the EU will have gotten rid of its dependency on Russian gas,” the EIU’s Global Forecasting Director Agathe Demarais said.

This is a key reason why Russia has opted to cut off gas flows to Europe now, she suggested, with the Kremlin aware that this threat could carry far less weight in a few years’ time.

The EIU is projecting a Russian GDP contraction of 6.2% this year and 4.1% next year, which Demarais said was “huge, by both historical and international standards.”

Information for this report comes from The New York Times, Reuters News Agency, The Washington Post, CNBC News and The Guardian.
More from The New York Times
More from Reuters News Agency
More from The Guardian
More from The Washington Post More from CNBC News

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Putin's wild race to stave off disaster

Russia's desperate moves to avoid a humiliating battlefield rout in Ukraine are unlikely to succeed, despite the sudden escalation of the war.

As the Ukraine counteroffensive threatens to push Russia out of eastern Ukraine's Donbas region, the Kremlin rushed through measures meant to ward off disaster:

✓ Russian stooges in occuppied provinces announced plebescites for this weekend that seek to incorporate these areas into Russia. Vladimir Putin quickly backed the plebiscites.

✓ Some 300,000 persons are being called up -- beginning today -- to serve as replacements for the battered and frightened Russian forces in eastern Ukraine. Putin said these persons, who have military experience, would first be retrained for the exigencies of the Ukraine war, though that pledge cannot hold if the Ukrainians strike too soon.

✓ A new measure advanced in the Russian legislature that imposes tough penalties on those who somehow obstruct mobilization, and in order to discourage demoralized soldiers from deserting, leaving their combat posts or otherwise defying orders.

✓ The Kremlin warned that, if the West continued supplying the Ukrainians with effective rocket and missile systems, nuclear war could result. The Kremlin tried to turn the tables on the West, arguing that it is the West that is menacing Russia with nuclear weaponry.

✓ Putin appealed for national unity behind his war effort by asserting that the U.S.-led West is trying to break up Russia into a collection of feuding regions, as he said happened to the old Soviet Union when the republics broke away.

✓ The Kremlin, by rebranding eastern Ukraine as Russian territory, is warning the West that if the Western-backed Ukrainians retake their lands, the Russians would see that as an invasion of Russia and would then be ready to use nuclear weapons.

These Russian moves show that Putin will stop at nothing to avoid humiliation. As Arme Petimezas, a senior analyst at AFS group, told the Reuters news agency: “It is not yet a total war for Russia because there is no full mobilization. But I think Putin is underestimated. He has escalated every time. For him, it is life and death. I don’t see why his next move will be de-escalation unless he wins.”

But, a basic reason the Putin gamble is unlikely to succeed is that the United States and other NATO nations are firm that they will not recognize the sudden incorporation of the contested territory into Russia. That means there will be no embargo on weapons that are helping Ukraine drive out the Russians. To make matters worse for Putin, his navy has lost control of the Black Sea and his warships have been forced to withdraw from Crimea to safety up the Azov Sea.

Thus, despite his hasty mobilization order, Putin has few options other than use of nuclear weapons, perhaps sent by hypersonic missiles that are virtually impossible to intercept other than -- possibly -- by lasers.

The hawks and hotheads in Russia may be prepared to promote nuclear confrontation, but the question becomes, will rational people accept such a situation? The educated segment of the populace, such as scientists and mathematicians, are already appalled by the war. Will Putin's KGB thuggery be sufficient to compel the people to accept such a dangerous escalation -- especially if far more Russians begin arriving home in body bags or badly disabled?

Russia’s isolation in the international community is profound. Soon after Putin’s speech on mobilization was broadcast, China issued a plea for “ceasefire through dialog.”

On Monday, shortly before the sudden Russian moves, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Russia must yield its conquered land. Erdogan, who has officially remained on good terms with Putin, made his remarks in a PBS interview.

Asked whether Moscow could be permitted to keep territory gained since the conflict began in February, Erdogan said, “No, and undoubtedly no.”

“If a peace is going to be established in Ukraine, of course, the returning of the land that was invaded will become really important. This is what is expected. This is what is wanted,” he said.

“The lands which were invaded will be returned to Ukraine,” the Turkish leader declared.

Questioned about Crimea, which is now besieged and which Russia may lose, Erdogan stressed that he had been asking his “dear friend Putin” to return Crimea to its “rightful owners” but acknowledged this had “unfortunately” not happened.
Putin orders 'partial mobilization'

Transcript of Erdogan interview

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Russians are facing military conscription
to force them to fight dirty war in Ukraine

Major escalation feared if annexation goes through;
Europe is preparing for very difficult days ahead

As a nasty Ukrainian counteroffensive takes hold against Russian forces, a top aide to President Vladimir Putin is pressing to incorporate Ukraine's eastern region into Russia so that Russia can bring more force to bear than it now can.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for referendums in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, saying they are “essential” and would allow Moscow to use its full military capability in the region.

Anticipating a violent backlash in Russia, the Putin-friendly Duma cleared legislation Tuesday for harsh penalties against anyone who interferes with mobilization or against draftees who defy orders under combat situations.

"Encroachment onto the territory of Russia is a crime which allows you to use all self-defense forces," Medvedev, who is now the deputy head of Russia's Security Council, said in a post on the Telegram messaging app.

In what appeared to be choreographed requests, Russian-backed officials across 15 percent of Ukrainian territory - an area about the size of Hungary or Portugal - have lined up to request referendums on joining Russia. Referendums are planned for Friday through Monday, pro-Russian separatist officials said.

At this point, Putin has no replacements to shore up his embattled army units and faces a humiliating withdrawal from all Ukraine, including the Crimea, which he seized from Ukraine eight years ago.

The ex-KGB man who runs Russia has been careful to avoid arousing discontent with a mobilization order -- which would mean conscription of the many military age men who have steered clear of the "conflict." But with the situation in the lower Don becoming desperate, he and his advisers seem to see little alternative but to order universal conscription, though military opinion is skeptical that such action can come soon enough to stave off defeat.

By rebranding the "Ukraine conflict" as an "invasion of Russia," Moscow hawks will have the manpower needed to replace the "cannon fodder" who have perished in the savage fighting.

In addition, Russia's military doctrine allows use of nuclear weapons if weapons of mass destruction are used against it or if the Russian state faces an existential threat from conventional weapons.

Medvedev backs a Russian escalation

Russia moves to formally annex swathes of Ukraine

Luhansk, Donetsk and Kherson officials said the referendums would take place in just days - on Friday Sept. 23 through to Monday Sept. 27. Russia does not fully control any of the four regions, with only around 60% of Donetsk region in Russian hands.

Asked about the referendums, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, "From the very start of the operation ... we said that the peoples of the respective territories should decide their fate, and the whole current situation confirms that they want to be masters of their fate."

If Moscow formally annexed a vast additional chunk of Ukraine, Putin would essentially be daring the United States and its European allies to risk a direct military confrontation with Russia, the world's biggest nuclear power.

French President Emmanuel Macron called the referendum plans "a parody."

"If the Donbas referendum idea wasn’t so tragic,it would be funny," he told reporters in New York.

Medvedev said that the annexations would be permanent. "It is equally important that after the amendments to the constitution of our state, no future leader of Russia, no official will be able to reverse these decisions."

Ukraine said the threat of referendums is "naive blackmail" and a sign that Russia is running scared.

"The Russians can do whatever they want. It will not change anything," Ukraine's foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, said in response to reporters' questions at the start of a meeting with the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.
Some information comes from a report by Reuters

Saturday, September 17, 2022

What's in a label?

If you follow the practice of NPR writers in branding someone a "conspiracist," you don't seem to realize that the same pejorative can be applied to you, or to the FBI, or to the Justice Department.

Curious that the only "conspiracists" targeted by NPR and other liberal media are "right wing." Why don't they ever label left-wingers as conspiracists?

Nano death in covid vaccines?

Tested vials show self-assembling nano-particles;
criminal charges are lodged with police in Britain

Friday, September 16, 2022

Reuters joins 'election truthers'

In a story on Don Bolduc, a U.S. Senate candidate for New Hampshire, the Reuters news agency alleged that Bolduc had retracted "his previously false claims that Joe Biden had won unfairly."

The Reuters report implies that the news agency can prove that there was no massive cheating in the 2020 presidential election that put Biden over the top. Yet Reuters offers no extensive investigative reporting to substantiate its claim.

Reuters joins other news media in baselessly claiming that proof exists that no substantial fraud or unfair practices occurred. The report would have been objective had it referred to "his previous claims that Joe Biden had won unfairly."

Any copy editor worth his or her salt knows very well how to guard against bias.

The only reason possible for the constant repetition of this unprofessional assertion is a diktat from higher-ups in media organizations who represent the media cartel. That cartel wants to control speech and election outcomes and cooperates with the social media cartel in repressing news sources that do not toe the cartel line.

The wild use of the terms "false" and "baseless" is a tactic of politicians, not of professional news people. This repetitive form of attack is known from history when many leftist and "liberal" news persons continually portrayed Sen. Joe McCarthy as making supposedly "baseless charges" of communist influence in government and media.

These days, the media cartel -- which is interlocked with the big investment fund cartel -- aims to suppress any political dissent which threatens business with China, nevermind the powerful Chinese communist party's influence within U.S. media, business and government.

Though political pressure has forced Biden to flog China with a wet noodle, the Chinese communist leadership greatly prefers him to Donald Trump, who instituted trade restrictions in response to unfair trade practices by China.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The media's 'election truthers'

Donald Bolduc, winner of New Hampshire's GOP Senate primary, was characterized in national media coverage today as an "election denier." Joe Biden and the Democrats are fond of that tag, with Biden branding those who think he got into the White House by fraud as subversive of American values.

Using the pejorative phrase "election denier" today were the Associated Press and NBC News, among others.

Other pejoratives used to describe those who argue that massive fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election are "baseless charge" (New York Times) and "false claim" (numerous media firms).

By asserting that the arguments for fraud are "baseless" and "false," the media outlets are implying that they have proof that the election was not stolen by cabals doing things in swing states that were not done in the 2016 election. In order to bludgeon the American people into accepting their verdict, these media are effectively saying that they have done the impossible: proved a negative.

But there is strong evidence that lays a base for the suspicion (hence not baseless) that major frauds occurred in several swing states. Part of the evidence is the fact that the AP and other news organizations suddenly stopped reporting results at 10:30 pm New York Time when Trump was ahead by landslides. Further evidence comes from the fact that large stashes of mail-in ballots were counted only after poll watchers had cleared out. Most compelling is that the mail-in ballots, rather than reflecting the proportions of the on-site voting, went overwhelmingly to Biden.

Thus, the media have a case of deliberate blindness, though they can say that it has not been conclusively proved that Trump won the election. But that is largely because state courts have not permitted sufficient data to become known.

Hence, the name-calling media justly deserve to be branded by an epithet: Just call them election truthers. Election truthers are those who baselessly imply that they can prove that the 2020 election was not rigged in several swing states.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Stepping on rights of J6 prisoners

Have you heard of the Petersens?


No one would say that Bluegrass is dead and gone. An example of a modern, highly expert, Bluegrass band is the Petersens. My opinion is that they are a cut above most grass bands because of the rigor of their rehearsals, led by Katie Petersen, the expertise of their arrangements, and the tightness of their music. And they put audiences at ease with their youthful banter. But it is their singing, both together and solo, that makes them so remarkable. Their harmonious voices are very finely framed by the expert instrumentals.
From left, Emmett Franz, dobro; Karen Petersen, bass, and her
offspring: Ellen Haygood, banjo; Julianne, mandolin;
Matt, guitar; and Katie, fiddle.

The Petersens are highly skilled in traditional Bluegrass but also are known for their ability to "grass up" Pop and Rock hits, or just about anything they like. Based in Branson, Mo., in the heart of the Ozarks, the band has been serving up its eclectic blend of old-timey and new wave Bluegrass to appreciative audiences for more than a decade.

Among their biggest Youtube sellers are "Country Roads" by John Denver, "Jolene" by Dolly Parton and "Carolina in My Mind" by James Taylor, which mught be regarded as Country or Country Rock numbers.

The Petersens: Country Roads

The Petersens: Jolene

The Petersens: Carolina in My Mind

But then we have "Bohemian Rhapsody," a song by rocker Freddy Mercury.

The Petersens: Bohemian Rhapsody

But if you like old standbys, their "Rocky Top" is one of the best out there.

The Petersens: Rocky Top

And you'll even find old folk music numbers, like "Shenandoah."

The Petersens: Shenandoah

Nor is there a shortage of standard Country fare. "Amarillo by Morning" is just one of many examples.

The Petersens: Amarillo by Morning

Then there is "Tulsa Time," which has served both Country and Rock artists. Here is their fun grassed-up version.

The Petersens: Tulsa Time

The troubadors do not hide their faith, as we hear on one of their gospel videos.

All Glory Be to Christ

Ringing your bell