Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The media's 'election truthers'

Donald Bolduc, winner of New Hampshire's GOP Senate primary, was characterized in national media coverage today as an "election denier." Joe Biden and the Democrats are fond of that tag, with Biden branding those who think he got into the White House by fraud as subversive of American values.

Using the pejorative phrase "election denier" today were the Associated Press and NBC News, among others.

Other pejoratives used to describe those who argue that massive fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election are "baseless charge" (New York Times) and "false claim" (numerous media firms).

By asserting that the arguments for fraud are "baseless" and "false," the media outlets are implying that they have proof that the election was not stolen by cabals doing things in swing states that were not done in the 2016 election. In order to bludgeon the American people into accepting their verdict, these media are effectively saying that they have done the impossible: proved a negative.

But there is strong evidence that lays a base for the suspicion (hence not baseless) that major frauds occurred in several swing states. Part of the evidence is the fact that the AP and other news organizations suddenly stopped reporting results at 10:30 pm New York Time when Trump was ahead by landslides. Further evidence comes from the fact that large stashes of mail-in ballots were counted only after poll watchers had cleared out. Most compelling is that the mail-in ballots, rather than reflecting the proportions of the on-site voting, went overwhelmingly to Biden.

Thus, the media have a case of deliberate blindness, though they can say that it has not been conclusively proved that Trump won the election. But that is largely because state courts have not permitted sufficient data to become known.

Hence, the name-calling media justly deserve to be branded by an epithet: Just call them election truthers. Election truthers are those who baselessly imply that they can prove that the 2020 election was not rigged in several swing states.

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