Friday, September 23, 2022

Kremlin struggles to avert panic

Conscription is made to seem not so bad
but political deceptions arouse suspicion
A secret conscription decree clause shows that the Kremlin is actually ready to draft a million men -- more than three times the 300,000 figure that was given to the public -- into the armed forces in response to the catastrophic reversals in Ukraine, Novaya Gazeta, a dissident Russian newspaper reports.

Reporters saw the clause on an official website, according to the paper, and embarrassed officials shrugged off the information, which had been intended for official eyes only, saying that the 300,000 figure was what mattered.

The problem for President Vladimir Putin and his yes-men and yes-women is that the huge discrepancy gives a strong appearance of deception -- as if the public is being led to believe that the draft "won't be that all that bad." The appearance of deception is enhanced by the fact that -- at present -- the highest percentages of draftees are coming from poor areas of the Russian federation. Men in and around Moscow are being affected -- seemingly -- in much lower percentages. That discrepancy makes it look as if there is an intention to gull the public into thinking the call-up isn't quite so terrible after all.

The fact that men are being pressed into service in such a rapid, helter-skelter manner implies that Putin, who has been doing much of the generaling himself, fears a rout in eastern Ukraine and plans to rush barely trained troops to the front. Though these men have some military background, few are ready for the rigors of Ukraine's "dirty war," where the specter of death from advanced missilery and rocketry is a mind-numbing problem for demoralized Russian soldiers.

In addition, the notion that one million men are needed to face the Ukraine meatgrinder can only unsettle the public. If 200,000 men weren't enough against greatly outnumbered Ukrainians, why should a million be effective? "Won't they end as cannon fodder also?" will be a pressing question.

Putin has also done something very dangerous politically, according to U.S. Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, ret., who cited personal experience from his combat command. "Don't ever piss off wives or mothers," the general told CNN. "Putin has pissed off 300,000 wives or mothers. This is not going to end well."

The political problem can only escalate if one million wives and mothers are frightened and outraged.
More from the Kyiv Independent

More from Novaya Gazeta

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