Saturday, September 24, 2022

Can elite turn Trump into paper tiger?

Many are persuaded that the multi-pronged efforts to "get" Donald Trump with civil and criminal sanctions are intended to put the "racist and sexist" tycoon behind bars before he can do "further damage" to the country.

But these ardent Trump bashers are sadly mistaken. That is not the aim of the elite clique of American oligarchs and Deep State bureaucrats. The real aim is to compel Trump to accept the oligarchs' terms and turn him into a paper tiger.

They want to back him into a corner so that all he can do is make noises about making America great while being hamstrung to prevent him from changing the basic agenda of the globalist, pseudo-green China lobby.

Seeing the handwriting on the wall as Trump moves to consolidate his grip on the Republican Party and the upcoming Congress, the oligarchs are pulling out the stops in their attempts to force him to accept a ceasefire. Trump, being a canny negotiator, may well accept some of these terms.

But he knows that if he sells out his constituencies of blue collar America and the nation's small to midsize business persons, his rival Ron Desantis will likely nail the GOP nomination.

Thus, the oligarchs' gambit is unlikely to prosper -- though Trump may well play them along. In any case, oligarchical forces in the Biden Justice Department and in state attorney general offices have no appetite for railroading Trump into prison, or even for direct indictments. Eager beavers among prosecutors will discover that higher political considerations will blunt their zeal.

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