Thursday, September 29, 2022

'General' Putin annexing region before victory

Vladimir is starting to become known as "mad Vlad" as the dirty war in Ukraine spins out of control.

Normally, countries annex territory only after a conquest is secure. That's certainly been true throughout Russian history.

Yet Russia's military situation is quite desperate and so the notion that east Ukraine can be held is quite an open question. At the moment, a shattered Russian force estimated at less than 100,000 poorly equipped men is trying to fend off an assault by a well-equipped army of 700,000.

Though more replacements will be sent to Ukraine, the problem for Russia is that they are unlikely to arrive in time to stave off a devastating and humiliating rout.

Of course, Putin may be gambling that the Biden group -- despite all the rhetoric -- will pull Ukraine's punch by refusing to supply the types of arms needed for Ukraine to take advantage of its recent gains.

Everyone believes Mad Vlad ordered the undersea Nordstream pipelines sabotaged in order to try to compel Europe to cease assisting Ukraine immediately. Sabotage of course permits the Kremlin to say that it is not violating sales agreements.

But all General Putin has accomplished is to spur European nations to find reliable energy sources and to suspend some "green" initiatives temporarily. That is, Gen. Putin has further undercut Russia's already precarious economy -- especially in light of the fact that Russia is essentially a petro-state that will collapse economically if energy sales are excessively curtailed.

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