Thursday, September 22, 2022

Putin pushes Ukraine to counter-invade

The decision by Vladimir Putin's Kremlin to escalate the Ukraine "special military operation" by changing Russia's borders now clears Ukrainian forces to advance into any Russian territory.

The United States and NATO allies had been trying to contain the war with the threat of refusing arms aid to Ukraine if its forces crossed into Russia or Belarus, a Soviet client state.

But by redrawing the borders, the Kremlin has declared that if Ukraine tries to reclaim its territory, Russia will be free to use any means -- including nuclear weapons -- to defend the area. As no one expects that the West will now urge Kiyv to cede the seized eastern region, it seems very probable that Ukrainian forces will act to retake the region before Moscow can send hundreds of thousands of new draftees to shore up the battered and demoralized occupation force.

By declaring that no holds are barred in the upcoming struggle, Putin's men have signaled the Ukrainians and their Western backers that restraint is pointless and that major actions in pre-conflict Russia are fair game.

The annexation of the seized sector of Ukraine is expected within a week.

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