Friday, September 30, 2022

Russia faces invasion by transvestite horde -- Putin

Dictator Vladimir Putin told Russia that the Ukraine war is justified in order to prevent a transvestite horde from taking over Russia.

"Do we really want ... it drilled into children in our schools ... that there are supposedly genders besides women and men, and [children to be] offered the chance to undergo sex change operations?” "Mad Vlad" asserted that Western elites wished to impose a Satanic religion on the citizenry. “This is a complete denial of humanity, the overthrow of faith and traditional values. Indeed, the suppression of freedom itself has taken on the features of a religion: outright Satanism.”

In order to thwart an invasion of transvestite priests, "Mad Vlad" spoke out in favor of the use of nuclear weapons, arguing that the United States had used atomic bombs on Japan eight decades ago. He also brought up actions of the "Anglo-Saxons" in the 19th Century -- when cultural values were much different worldwide -- without speaking of the czarist era oppressions.

The fact that in the United States there is a fierce debate over whether schoolchildren should be permitted free choice on "sex change" decisions has been taken by Putin to mean that, if Russia doesn't win in Ukraine, legions of transvestites will be empowered in Russia, an idea that has a certain plausibility if it is assumed that Russia couldn't possibly resist such cultural inroads should the "special military operation" fail.

Putin's tenuous hold on reality is demonstrated by his playing general as the military situation deteriorates, as a Reuters report linked below indicates:

Encircled Russian stronghold faces destruction

But Mad Vlad won't negotiate safe conduct for troops;
'annexed region' about to be overrun by Ukrainians

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