Friday, April 19, 2024

A dash of Western Swing

The Petersens, with Yodel Blues, bring us something in the vein of Western Swing — very well crafted, as always.

Some might think yodeling is something you might expect from a family with a Scandinavian heritage. Or possibly because they come from the middle American West.

But the way Ellen tells it, she learned to yodel in band camp — because that was the only slot left for a particular time period. No idea how Matt or Katie picked up yodeling.

Of course, Ellen really can lay it on thick when yodeling, tho here she plays that talent down some. Whoopie tie yie yay!

Katie’s five-string fiddle and Emmett’s dobro complement this tight little piece nicely.

You won’t see Julianne here. She was away at school.
Fiddle, vocals: Katie Petersen
Banjo, vocals: Ellen Haygood Petersen
Guitar, vocals: Matt Petersen
Dobro: Emmett Franz
Bass: Karen Petersen
Original: Time Jumpers

Addendum: I don't know how Ellen wants her name presented. Is it Ellen Haygood Petersen, Ellen Petersen Haygood, Ellen Haygood, or Ellen Petersen? I've seen all versions.

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