Friday, September 2, 2022

Toxic metals reported in covid vaccines

Toxic heavy metals have been found in all covid vaccines tested, a Germany-based study says. Further, the blood of those vaccinated showed marked changes, the study authors say.

Vaccine-maker and government responses to the study's findings are being awaited.

The Epoch Times posted the
"Report from the German Working Group on Covid Vaccine Analysis" here:

The study, which is attributed to a network of researchers, asserts that vaccination must be halted because:
✓ Toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19 vaccines - without exception.
✓ The blood samples of all the people who had been vaccinated showed marked changes.
✓ The greater the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles, the more frequent are vaccine side effects.
Further, the authors write,
In all samples of COVID-19 vaccines, without exception, components were found, using several methods of measurement, that:

✓ Are, in the quantities found, toxic according to medical guidelines
✓ Had not been declared by the manufacturers as present in the vaccines
✓ Are for the most part metallic
✓ Are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes
✓ Can only partially be explained as a result of crystallisation or decomposition processes
✓ Cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process.

The report says,
We are an internationally networked working group, with a core team of more than 60 doctors, physicians, pharmacists, scientists, mathematicians, alternative health practitioners, lawyers and journalists. We have pooled our skills and technical expertise to help shed light on what we believe to be the largest pharmacological experiment ever carried out on the human race. Never in the history of science and medicine has anyone before dared to subject an entire population, an almost entire species, to a medical – not to mention a genetic - experiment. If this kind of experiment had been proposed for any other species it would most likely have been rejected with the explanation that it violated the principle of the Species Conservation.
For legal purposes, the paper is the responsibility of Dr. Klaus Retzlaff and industrial engineer Holger Reissner.
Arbeitsgruppe Impfstoffe Aufklärung, e.V. (i. G.), Responsible Editor: Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Retzlaff, Böklinger Straße 36, 39444 Hecklingen Akademie für Gesundheit Sport und Kommunikation e.V., Conuvive, Repräsentant Deutschland Holger Reißner (european industrial engineer) Stiftung Ärzte für Aufklärung Hamburg,

This document appeared earlier in the blog Exposing the Darkness

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