Friday, September 2, 2022

Why did FBI seize Trump's books, magazines?

Height of arrogance to treat an ex-president's
personal possessions with such contempt

Omitted from the inventory of materials seized from former President Donald Trump's residence are three passports that belonged to Trump that were eventually returned. The fact that the Justice Department does not mention this omission in the inventory suggests that other seized items may have been left out of the inventory.

Government lawyers referred to the passports — two official ones and another personal — Tuesday in a court filing and liberal legal analysts were quick to defend the seizure as relevant evidence, as the passports were in a drawer that contained disputed documents.

NBC's slanted report on passports

It is curious that FBI agents felt the need to seize newspapers, magazines, articles of clothing and gifts from Trump's storage room and his office. Do they think they may find espionage microdots, or the equivalent, among such materials? Or were Merrick Garland's political aides hoping to glean useful information that could be used against the Trump "threat to democracy" in the November elections?

To treat an ex-president’s personal possessions with such contempt appears to be the height of arrogance by a politicized FBI and Justice Department. Some will retort that the bureau was simply following standard operating procedure. But that is an absurd notion. There is no SOP for raiding a former president. The country expects the least intrusion possible, not the most disrespect possible.

Text copy of inventory submission:

Item //1- Documentsfrom Oftice
1US GovenunentDocum entwith SECRET Clc sificationM arkings
2 US GovernmentDocum ents/photop aphswithoutClmssitk ation M arkings

ltem //2 - Box/containerfrom Office

99M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween 01/2017- 10/2018
2 US GovernmentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL ClassificationM arldngs
15 US GovernmentDoculnentswith SECRET Classification M arkings
7 US GovernmentDocum entswith TOP SECRET Classification M arkings
69 US GovernmentDocum ents/photographswithoutClassitk ation M arkings
43 Em pty Folderswith GICLASSIFIED''Banners
28Em pty FoldersLabeled RRet'urn to StaffSecretaryN iliary Aide''

ltem #3- Docum entsfrom Office
2 US GovernmentDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassificationM arkings

ltem //4- Docum entsfrom Office
# Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 3 of 8
26 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 01/2020- 11/2020
1US GovernmentDocllm entwith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings
1US Governm entDocum entswith SECRET Classitication M arldngs
357 US GovernmentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

ltem //5- Documentsfrom Oftk e
396 US GovenunentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassitication M arkings

ltem //6- Docum entsfrom Oftk e
640 US GovenunentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

ltem //7- Documentsfrom Oftice
1U S Governm entDocumentg hotograph withoutClassitication M arkings

ltem //8- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
68 M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 10/2015- 05/2017
2US Governm entDoolments/photographswithoutClassitk ation M arkings

ltem //9- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
91M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 01/2019- 09/2020
1Article ofClothing/Giftltem
65 US Governm entDocuments/photov aphswithoutCl% sification M arkings

Item #10- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
30M agazinesm ewspapersgressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 10/2008- 12/2019
11US Governm entDocumentswith CONFIDENTIAL Classitk ation M arkings
21US GovermnentDocumentswith SECRET Classification M arkings
Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 4 of 8

3 ArticlesofClotlling/Giftltems
255 US Governm entDocum ents/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

Item #11- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
' 116 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 06/2019- 08/2020
8US GovernmentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL ClmssiticationM arkings
1US GovernmentDocum entwith SECRET Clusification M arkings
2 US GovernmentDocum entwith TOP SECRET Classification M arl dngs
l04 US Governm entDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

Item #12 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
39 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween 01/2017- 03/2020
71US Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

ltem #13 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
62M agazinesm ewspapersg ressAlticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween 09/2018-08/2019
2 US GovenmzentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings
1US GovernmentDocum entwith TOP SECRET Clmssification M arkings
' 1ArticleofClothing/Giftltems
708 US Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassitication M arkings

ltem #14 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
87M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween 01/2018-11/2019
2US Govelmm entDocumentswith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings
438US GovernmentDoctunentsg hotographswithoutClassitk ation M arkings

Item #15- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
65M agazinesW ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadated between 10/2016-11/2018
Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022

Page 5 of 8

lUS GovermnentDocumentswith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings
4 US Governm entDocumentwith SECRET Clu sitication M arldngs
2 Books
78US GovenunentDocuments/photographswithoutClassitication M qrkings
2 Empty Folderswith 2 Em ptyFoldersLabeleddçRet' urrlto StaffSecretaryN iliary Aide''

Item #16- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
76M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between 11/2017-12/2017
60US GovernmentDocum ents/photov aphswithoutClassification M arkings

ltem #17- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
' 67M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between 7/2016- 3/2017
5 ArticlesofClothinga/Giftltems
2 US Governm entDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassitk ation M arkings

ltem #18- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
4 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 01/2018- 12/2019
1US Govelmm entDocumentwith SECRFT Classification M arldngs 1Book
1571US GovernmentDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings
2 EmptyFoldersLabeledtslketurn to StaffSecretary/M iliary Aide''

ltem #19- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
53 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadated between 05/2016 - 01/2020
1US GovermnentDocumentswith CONFIDENTIAI,Classitk ation M arkings
5 ArticlesofClothing/Giftltems
236US GovenlmentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

Item #20- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 6 of 8

121M agazinesW ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 08/2017-12/2017
16 US GovernmentDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

ltem #21- Box/container9om StorageRoom
2 M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated 11/2020
1406 US GovermnentDocum ents/photographswithoutClassifk ationM arkings

ltem #22- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
109 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadated between 06/2020- 10/2020
29US GovernmentDocum ents/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

Item #23- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
67 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressAticlesand OtherPrinted M edia'dated between l1/2016- 06/2018
1US GovelmmentDocum entwith SECRET Cl% sification M arkings
70US Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings
8Empty FoldersLabeled ççlketlzrnto StaffSecretaryN iliary Aide''

Item #24 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
1M agazinesm ewspapersp ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated circa20l8
1603 US GovernmentDocuments/photographswithoutClmssification M arldngs

Item #25 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
76M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between
10/2016- 11/2017
1US GovernmentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL ClassificationM arkings
1US GovernmentDocum entwith SECRET ClassificationM arldngs
20 US Governm entDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings
1Empty Folderwith CKCLA SSIFIED''Barmer

ltem #26- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022

Page 7 of 8

8M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadated between 12/2017- 3/2020
3US GovernmentDocumentwith TOP SECRET Clmssification M arldngs 1ArticleofClothing/GiftItem s
1841US GovernmentDocum ents/photographswithoutClassitk ationM arkings

Item #27- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
1M agazinedm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 07/2016- 9/2020
1AdicleofClothing/Giftltem s
23 Books
52 US Governm entDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

Item #28- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
2M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween 2/2017 - 3/2017
2US GovernmentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings
8US GoverfunentDocum entwith SECRET Classification M arkings
4 US GovernmentDocum entwith TOP SECRET Classifiqation M arkings
' 795U S Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arldngs

Item #29 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
86M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtlzerPrinted M edia dated between 10/1995 - 05/2019
1US Governm entDocumentwith TOP SECRET Classification M arkings
35 US GovernmentDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

Item #30- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
29 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressAdiclesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between 05/2020- 09/2020
' 82 US Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings
Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022

Page 8 of 8

Item # 31- Box/container9om StorageRoom
111M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between 06/2015 - 04/2019
41US GovernmentDocllm ents/photographswithoutClassification M arldngs

Item #32- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom
94 M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween 02/2008-04/2020'
' 88US GovernmentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassitication M arkings

ltem.#33- Box/containerfrom Stora eRoom
83 M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between 02/2017- 02/2018
. 1Book
44 US GovermnentDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassificationM arkings
2 Empty Folderswith CICLASSIFIED''Banners
. 2 Empty FoldersLabeledûûReturn toStaffSecretmy/M iliary Aide''
Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 1 of 8

                               E xhibit A Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 2 of 8

                               U N ITED STA TES D ISTRICT C O W T                               SO W H ER N D ISTR IC T O F FLO R HM                                  W EST PM M BEA C H D IVISIO N
                                CA SE N O .22-CV-81294-CA * 0 N
     D O N A LD J.TR U M P ,
                                                        U N D ER SEM .AN D EX PM TE
           D efendant.

                              D ETM LED PR OPER TY IN VEN TO R Y                        PU RSU A N T T O C O IJRT 'S PR ELIM N A RY O RD ER
     Item //1- Documentsfrom Oftice            1US GovenunentDocum entwith SECRET Clc sificationM arkings            2 US GovernmentDocum ents/photop aphswithoutClmssitk ation M arkings

     ltem //2 - Box/containerfrom Office            99M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween 01/2017-            10/2018            2 US GovernmentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL ClassificationM arldngs            15 US GovernmentDoculnentswith SECRET Classification M arkings            7 US GovernmentDocum entswith TOP SECRET Classification M arkings            69 US GovernmentDocum ents/photographswithoutClassitk ation M arkings            43 Em pty Folderswith GICLASSIFIED''Banners            28Em pty FoldersLabeled RRet'urn to StaffSecretaryN iliary Aide''

     ltem #3- Docum entsfrom Office            2 US GovernmentDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassificationM arkings

     ltem //4- Docum entsfrom Office #   Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 3 of 8

                26 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 01/2020-                   11/2020                1US GovernmentDocllm entwith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings                1US Governm entDocum entswith SECRET Classitication M arldngs                357 US GovernmentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

         ltem //5- Documentsfrom Oftk e                396 US GovenunentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassitication M arkings

         ltem //6- Docum entsfrom Oftk e                640 US GovenunentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

         ltem //7- Documentsfrom Oftice                1U S Governm entDocumentg hotograph withoutClassitication M arkings

         ltem //8- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom                68 M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 10/2015-                05/2017                lArticleofClothingfGiftItem                lBook                2US Governm entDoolments/photographswithoutClassitk ation M arkings

         ltem //9- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom                91M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 01/2019-                09/2020                1Article ofClothing/Giftltem                65 US Governm entDocuments/photov aphswithoutCl% sification M arkings

         Item #10- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom                30M agazinesm ewspapersgressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 10/2008-                12/2019                11US Governm entDocumentswith CONFIDENTIAL Classitk ation M arkings                21US GovermnentDocumentswith SECRET Classification M arkings Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 4 of 8

             3 ArticlesofClotlling/Giftltems             1Book             255 US Governm entDocum ents/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

     Item #11- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom                  '             116 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between 06/2019-             08/2020             8US GovernmentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL ClmssiticationM arkings             1US GovernmentDocum entwith SECRET Clusification M arkings             2 US GovernmentDocum entwith TOP SECRET Classification M arl                                                                        dngs             l04 US Governm entDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

     Item #12 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom             39 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween 01/2017-             03/2020             71US Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

     ltem #13 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom             62M agazinesm ewspapersg ressAlticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween             09/2018-08/2019             2 US GovenmzentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings             1US GovernmentDocum entwith TOP SECRET Clmssification M arkings         '             1ArticleofClothing/Giftltems             708 US Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassitication M arkings

     ltem #14 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom             87M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween             01/2018-11/2019             2US Govelmm entDocumentswith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings             438US GovernmentDoctunentsg hotographswithoutClassitk ation M arkings

     Item #15- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom             65M agazinesW ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadated between             10/2016-11/2018 Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 5 of 8

           lUS GovermnentDocumentswith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings           4 US Governm entDocumentwith SECRET Clu sitication M arldngs           2 Books           78US GovenunentDocuments/photographswithoutClassitication M qrkings           2 Empty Folderswith <KCLASSIFIED''Bnnners           2 Em ptyFoldersLabeleddçRet'                                      urrlto StaffSecretaryN iliary Aide''

     Item #16- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom           76M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between           11/2017-12/2017           60US GovernmentDocum ents/photov aphswithoutClassification M arkings

     ltem #17- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom                             '           67M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between           7/2016- 3/2017           5 ArticlesofClothinga/Giftltems           2 US Governm entDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassitk ation M arkings

     ltem #18- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom           4 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between           01/2018- 12/2019           1US Govelmm entDocumentwith SECRFT Classification M arldngs           1Book           1571US GovernmentDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings           2 EmptyFoldersLabeledtslketurn to StaffSecretary/M iliary Aide''

     ltem #19- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom           53 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadated between           05/2016 - 01/2020           1US GovermnentDocumentswith CONFIDENTIAI,Classitk ation M arkings           5 ArticlesofClothing/Giftltems           236US GovenlmentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

     Item #20- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 6 of 8

           121M agazinesW ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between           08/2017-12/2017            16 US GovernmentDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

     ltem #21- Box/container9om StorageRoom           2 M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated 11/2020            1406 US GovermnentDocum ents/photographswithoutClassifk ationM arkings

     ltem #22- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom           109 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadated between           06/2020- 10/2020           29US GovernmentDocum ents/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

     Item #23- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom            67 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressAticlesand OtherPrinted M edia'dated between            l1/2016- 06/2018            1US GovelmmentDocum entwith SECRET Cl% sification M arkings            1Book            70US Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings            8Empty FoldersLabeled ççlketlzrnto StaffSecretaryN iliary Aide''

     Item #24 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom            1M agazinesm ewspapersp ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated circa20l8            1603 US GovernmentDocuments/photographswithoutClmssification M arldngs

     Item #25 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom            76M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between            10/2016- 11/2017            1US GovernmentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL ClassificationM arkings            1US GovernmentDocum entwith SECRET ClassificationM arldngs            20 US Governm entDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings            1Empty Folderwith CKCLA SSIFIED''Barmer

     ltem #26- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 7 of 8

            8M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadated between            12/2017- 3/2020            3US GovernmentDocumentwith TOP SECRET Clmssification M arldngs            1ArticleofClothing/GiftItem s            1Book            1841US GovernmentDocum ents/photographswithoutClassitk ationM arkings

     Item #27- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom             1M agazinedm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrintedM ediadated between             07/2016- 9/2020             1AdicleofClothing/Giftltem s             23 Books             52 US Governm entDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassification M arkings

     Item #28- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom             2M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween             2/2017 - 3/2017             2US GovernmentDocum entswith CONFIDENTIAL Classification M arkings             8US GoverfunentDocum entwith SECRET Classification M arkings            4 US GovernmentDocum entwith TOP SECRET Classifiqation M arkings             1ArticleofClothing/GiftItems             1BO0k          '            795U S Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arldngs

     Item #29 - Box/containerfrom StorageRoom            86M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtlzerPrinted M edia dated between            10/1995 - 05/2019             1US Governm entDocumentwith TOP SECRET Classification M arkings            35 US GovernmentDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings

     Item #30- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom            29 M agazinesm ewspapers/pressAdiclesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between            05/2020- 09/2020                     '            82 US Governm entDocuments/photographswithoutClassification M arkings Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 39-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 8 of 8

     Item # 31- Box/container9om StorageRoom            111M agazinesm ewspapers/pressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between            06/2015 - 04/2019            41US GovernmentDocllm ents/photographswithoutClassification M arldngs

     Item #32- Box/containerfrom StorageRoom            94 M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M ediadatedbetween            02/2008-04/2020'             1Book                                                '            88US GovernmentDocum entsg hotographswithoutClassitication M arkings

     ltem.#33- Box/containerfrom Stora eRoom             83 M agazinesm ewspapersg ressArticlesand OtherPrinted M edia dated between             02/2017- 02/2018                                                    .            1Book            44 US GovermnentDocumentsg hotographswithoutClassificationM arkings            2 Empty Folderswith CICLASSIFIED''Banners       .            2 Empty FoldersLabeledûûReturn toStaffSecretmy/M iliary Aide''

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