Monday, March 28, 2022

The slap seen round the world

Chris Rock made a despicable insult on global TV against a man's wife, who was sitting right there.

I realize public humor has become cruder over the last few decades, but, "them was fightin' words." Brother, was Rock ever asking for it. Sure, it's best that everyone remain "good Christians" at that sort of provocation, but humans are subject to acts of passion. The courts have long held that not all speech is protected, and this is the sort of thing that was meant.

Another point: We can't read minds, but a good guess is that Rock thought he could get away with such a snipe because as an Oscars host, he was immune from violent reaction. I'd say Will Smith really pulled his punch when he lashed out at Rock. Could have been a lot worse.

Freedom of speech does not cover jeering and humiliating a man's wife in front of her husband and many others.

Smith was embarrassed that he'd spoiled his big moment. But at least we all saw that his wife was more important to him than all the tinsel and glamor around him.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Times's terrifying moment of truth

The important ideas to immediately examine here are Left (Isikoff, NY Times), Ukraine (corruption) and the elder Biden (in Putin's mind, a worthless fence-walker who is no longer of real use).

In the drastically changed political situation, it now serves the Kremlin's interests to find that Hunter Biden's emails were not "Russian disinformation" but provably authentic. The Bidens are now, in the new Russia-friendly narrative, just corrupt members of the oligarch class who took payoffs from a corrupt Ukraine oligarch.

Lo! Leftist reporter Michael Isikoff has SEEN THE LIGHT! Lo! That bastion of decency against the right wing, that examplar of liberal rectitude, the New York Times, has GOT RELIGION! The heretical gospel of disinformation is now transformed into the shining gospel of God's Honest Truth!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Revenge torment by 1,000 technical pinpricks

Funny how ordinary persons can be techno-jabbed to death but Horrible Wreckers like Biden or Putin go unscathed by security agencies and their judicial puppets.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Russia-China mirage

Russia is counting on China aid -- but consider the predicament: Chinese financial technocrats have been edgely trying to defuse the humongous real estate bomb before it explodes and destroys the remainder of China's economy.
This sort of defusing has never been done before because of the near impossibility of the task. One false move and KERBLAM!!! That's all she wrote.
So what we would have with China trying to bolster Russia in any meaningful way is an extremely sick man trying to revive his dead neighbor.
Ergo: Russia has no reliable friends and has already flatlined, though it may remain in the ICU for quite some time.
Well, what of a Russian takeover of Ukraine resources? The Ukes will lay their land waste before they yield to Russian aggression.

The Lord bless the people in Ukraine. The Lord bless the people in Russia.

U.S. workers viewed as Green New Deal's main victims

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Living Colour: The Cult of Personality

Kansas. Dust in the Wind. (Echoes Ecclesiastes)

The title of the song is a Bible reference, paraphrasing Ecclesiastes 1:14:
I reflected on everything that is accomplished by man on earth, and I concluded: Everything he has accomplished is futile — like chasing the wind!

'Nuke power safest for humans, environment'

Former anti-nuclear activist explains his about-face.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

BlackRock fund chief concedes
he's squelching full U.S. drilling

But Larry Fink says his execs hold weekly discussions
with energy firms in order to keep the oil lids 'fair'

Investment giant's CEO avidly backs green agenda,
sees war as boost in forced conversion to renewables

BlackRock's investment fund wields much unseen power
through its vast network of interlocking directorships

Many regard Fink as 'Boss of All Bosses'
with more power than any U.S. president

Though Fink sees a very dangerous period for workers
his views dovetail with the aggession of ex-KGB man Putin

Thursday, March 10, 2022

A scenario to make Trump prez before 2024

But Trump supermajority
in Senate is necessary

The Donald has been busy supporting GOP candidates who are not RINOs (Republicans in name only) but who support him.

If the Biden group continues to tarnish the reputation of the Democratic Party, a massive shift to the Trump wing of the GOP is likely in November 2022.

If that shift gave Senate Republicans a two-thirds majority, the Trump wing could potentially impeach Biden and Harris, followed by Senate votes to remove them.

In the meantime, the House GOP would have named Trump House speaker since the House can theoretically choose a speaker who is not a House member. Such an action would be contested in the Supreme Court, of course.

Once Biden and Harris have vacated the premises, the House speaker -- Trump -- becomes president. It is argued that the two years remaining until the next presidential election would not bar him from a second full term, though that assumption that the presidential term limits amendment does not apply would also likely go straight to the Supreme Court.

Though, in these parlous times, such a scenario is plausible, the question is whether Trump would be willing to gamble on not being permitted a full second term -- especially if the top court decided not to hear the matter until the 2024 presidential campaign season.

A regrettable error crept into the first version of this post.
  A House vote of impeachment requires only a simple majority,
  though a Senate vote to remove a president requires a two-thirds majority.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Better to Live than to die

Turn to Jesus as your Savior
and make him Lord of your life now.
Make a real, personal decision today.
Hurry! Don't wait for death to strike you down.

Let's take a current example. If you are Russian or Ukrainian, are you prepared to become an active combatant in the current war? Would you let the Lord decide your future, no matter what your family and friends think? And what of the possibility, that the Lord shows you a way to go that doesn't include taking up arms? Are you prepared to Follow him, come what may -- even prison or firing squad?
Are you ready to follow his lead, no matter how weak and contemptible you may appear? What you're after is LIFE, everlasting life. Go that way.

The Lord bless the people in Ukraine. The Lord bless the people in Russia.

Ringing your bell