Monday, March 28, 2022

The slap seen round the world

Chris Rock made a despicable insult on global TV against a man's wife, who was sitting right there.

I realize public humor has become cruder over the last few decades, but, "them was fightin' words." Brother, was Rock ever asking for it. Sure, it's best that everyone remain "good Christians" at that sort of provocation, but humans are subject to acts of passion. The courts have long held that not all speech is protected, and this is the sort of thing that was meant.

Another point: We can't read minds, but a good guess is that Rock thought he could get away with such a snipe because as an Oscars host, he was immune from violent reaction. I'd say Will Smith really pulled his punch when he lashed out at Rock. Could have been a lot worse.

Freedom of speech does not cover jeering and humiliating a man's wife in front of her husband and many others.

Smith was embarrassed that he'd spoiled his big moment. But at least we all saw that his wife was more important to him than all the tinsel and glamor around him.

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