Thursday, March 10, 2022

A scenario to make Trump prez before 2024

But Trump supermajority
in Senate is necessary

The Donald has been busy supporting GOP candidates who are not RINOs (Republicans in name only) but who support him.

If the Biden group continues to tarnish the reputation of the Democratic Party, a massive shift to the Trump wing of the GOP is likely in November 2022.

If that shift gave Senate Republicans a two-thirds majority, the Trump wing could potentially impeach Biden and Harris, followed by Senate votes to remove them.

In the meantime, the House GOP would have named Trump House speaker since the House can theoretically choose a speaker who is not a House member. Such an action would be contested in the Supreme Court, of course.

Once Biden and Harris have vacated the premises, the House speaker -- Trump -- becomes president. It is argued that the two years remaining until the next presidential election would not bar him from a second full term, though that assumption that the presidential term limits amendment does not apply would also likely go straight to the Supreme Court.

Though, in these parlous times, such a scenario is plausible, the question is whether Trump would be willing to gamble on not being permitted a full second term -- especially if the top court decided not to hear the matter until the 2024 presidential campaign season.

A regrettable error crept into the first version of this post.
  A House vote of impeachment requires only a simple majority,
  though a Senate vote to remove a president requires a two-thirds majority.

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