Monday, December 6, 2021

Travel advisory
Stay well away from New York City
as dictator descends into madness

NYC Expands Vaccine Mandate to Whole Private Sector, Ups Dose Proof to 2 and Adds Kids 5-11

Mayor Bill De Blasio's extremist background shows in his handling of the non-crisis. Detection of a few omicron cases does not justify such sweeping orders. It's not even known whether the vaccines available work against omicron. But it is known that all vaccines have dropped drastically in effectiveness -- probably because they don't work against newer variants, What is the point of compelling people to be inoculated with vaccines that are no longer very effective?

More vaccine might increase effectiveness -- for the same variant or if variants are similar enough. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., a presidential adviser, specifically said that he had no proof that more vaccine injections would help. In any case, there is almost no data available on the omicron variant. A few cases do not translate to statistical linkage between surging hospitalizations and deaths.

"Scientists have been working to understand how well boosters may protect against [covid] variants," says a National Institutes of Health statement on boosters. "They’re also investigating whether boosters need to be modified to match new mutations in the virus."

Scientists hope boosters will work against variants

So health experts don't know whether boosters can be devloped fast enough to work against variants.

Studies on monkeys of experimental Moderna boosters indicate that they do well at re-prompting the immune system to create covid-fighting antibodies, which had faded because the human body's "memory" of the covid threat may wear off rather quickly. The studies were carried out by Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

The study synopsis mentioned that the boosters also stimulate T and B cells, which are crucial to the immune system's defense structure. Such stimulation is routine for vaccines, and for infections generally, and does not imply that, on average, the immune system has been robustly strengthened.

“Our results suggest that covid-19 booster vaccines may significantly increase immunity against the virus,” said Robert Seder, a study co-author (the phrase "the virus" can be misleading as each variant and mutation has a distinct structure, which presents different threats). “Boosters may prevent severe illness or death, particularly among older adults and those with pre-existing health conditions. They could also potentially limit mild infection and transmission.”

This finding is consistent with the practice of giving seniors high doses of flu vaccine. The idea is to stimulate the weakened immune system to produce antibodies sufficient to form "immune memory."

To recap, it is outrageous that free people are being forced to take into their bodies substances whose value is substantiated, if at all, by very limited data.

It is also outrageous that children and adults under 65 are forced to be vaccinated against something that, in general, presents NO THREAT or VERY LOW THREAT to them. And, this is the very group that, if left alone, will catch harmless infections and set up a herd immunity barrier that will tend to protect immune-weak people. The aged and the sickly already know to take defensive measures, as they should do for flu and other diseases that can also set off cytokine storms in their lungs.

Further, what is the point of such orders now that the United States has reached herd immunity? Does De Blasio have evidence that New York City is an exception to the general situation in which the rate of infection is on a down curve?

How is it that he still is unaware that the least controlling states have had the best covid rates.

This man does not want to know. That's because he has a hidden agenda. He's part of a leftist pushback against the trend to decontrol Americans and return their traditional liberties.

What we're seeing here is a determination by some covert group -- the Communist China lobby -- to push through global controls on democracies in order to gain some new world order or other.

CAUTION: An obvious next move is establishment of covid concentration camps, where those who lack updated vax passports are forcibly quarantined. Wouldn't that be a sight. Holiday revelers lacking vax proof rounded up and shoved in a quarantine center? That possibility is not far out at all. Australia, which once was known for its vigorous defense of liberty, now has such an internment camp, which it rationalizes with science-free talking points.

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