Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Assange backers find YouTube
is stifling channel's growth

acTVism Munich, which has mounted a vigorous defense of Julian Assange's free press rights, is being choked to death by YouTube. The group is appealing for funds that are being effectively denied by Big Tech meddling.
Big Tech is striving to stifle defense of free press rights by strangulation of supporter groups. Why? In the Assange matter, it is not a question of Big Tech muzzling Trump supporters who are using their utilities. If these utilities -- posing as legitimate mass media -- are not subject to public regulation, then plainly they have a right to strangle pro-Trump content. So it appears that Youtube and other media are within their rights to stifle critics of the CIA-Justice Dept. campaign to have Assange imprisoned. After all, Assange hurt the Democratic Party and helped put Trump into office by publishing secrets. Oh wait? Isn't that the sort of thing "legitimate media" once did routinely? Well anyway, good riddance. Who likes an egomaniac, they doubtless say over at Alphabet, Youtube's parent firm.
Somehow it doesn't dawn on these (media? utility?) execs that they are betraying their own right to determine what or what not to permit in their platforms. If Assange loses, so does the First Amendment. The precedent will have been set permitting the government to charge Google or Youtube execs with violating the espionage act and with cyber-terrorism if something shows up that makes some Deep State security guru wrinkle his/her nose. These Big Techies don't give a darn that they're taking such a risk. Maybe it is because they have already been stricken with a severe case of CCGS (communist China greed syndrome).

Below is acTVism Munich's appeal for funds.
We are thankful for your one-time donations. However it is only monthly supporters which will enable us to continue our operations in 2022.

Why should you support us on a monthly basis?

Today we launch our crowdfunding campaign with the goal of continuing our independent and non-profit journalism for 2022. This campaign will end on January 7, 2021. The goal of this campaign is to attract over 1000 monthly donors to support our journalism with as little as $5 per month to help us cover our operating costs for 2022. Right now we only have 200 monthly donors.

The Corona crisis and
the fact that YouTube is limiting our reach has put us in a very difficult situation that is negatively impacting our donations. Since our inception in 2014, we have been gaining new subscribers every month. Our videos were being suggested by YouTube to new audiences. However, this trend reversed from October last year: Our videos are rarely, if ever, suggested to new viewers and in 2021 this trend only worsened. We are not gaining any new subscribers, which is unprecedented given our previous growth.
To overcome these obstacles, today we not only launched a new website but also created alternative social media channels on Telegram and Rumble.

Last but not least, the Corona crisis is having a significant impact on our economy and is negatively affecting our donations. Both our one-time and monthly donations are below our monthly operating costs, and if we continue this trend, we will have to cease operations in the summer of 2022.

We need your support now more than ever before. We would like to continue covering the most pressing issues of our society not being adequately covered by corporate media. This includes our regular reporting on press freedom cases – especially on Julian Assange. A true and vibrant democracy can only function when individuals collectively understand the value of an independent and free press – the fourth estate – and protect it with vigor. Your support will be essential in order to uphold the foundations of a free press. To find out how to participate in our Campaign, check out the donation options in the description of this video. Thank you for your love and generosity!

► Patreon: https://bit.ly/2xbLFIp
► Betterplace (Credit Card incl.): https://bit.ly/2O7iwci
► INT. BANK ACC: DE89430609678224073600

► RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/acTVismMunich
► TELEGRAM: https://t.me/acTVismMunich
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acTVism/
► Website: http://www.actvism.org/
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/acTVismMunich
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/acTVismMunich/

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