Sunday, December 12, 2021

Rand Paul scorns omicron travel curbs

The Hill
12/12/21 07:00 AM EST
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) bashed omicron variant-based travel restrictions today, saying that “the travel bans aren't going to work” to prevent the variant's spread.

“The travel bans aren't going to work. The new variant is in over half of the states in our country. It's in 40 different countries. There's no travel ban that's going to stop this,” Paul said in an interview with John Catsimatidis on WABC 770 AM.

“We don't even yet know whether it's a good or a bad thing," Paul added, referring to the variant. "And if it turns out that it's much less dangerous, and it crowds out the delta variant, it might be a blessing in disguise."

He also said that “restrictions on our liberties” were not science-based, but “based on whims.”

“They're based on basically [Anthony] Fauci’s impulse to authoritarianism is what I call it,” Paul said. “His gut reaction — his immediate knee jerk reaction to everything is to take away your liberty. I mean, look, all they had to hear was a sniff of this new variant from South Africa. And they're freaking out with all the new things they're going to require you to do.”
The Hill controls rights to this excerpt, which is reproduced because of the overriding importance of the danger to liberty posed by covid authoritarianism.

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