Thursday, December 9, 2021

CDC brass forced to concede
big hole in mandate argument

The Centers for Disease Control denies that it has any data at all on unvaccinated people who have been infected with covid and then been reinfected. In other words, it has done no studies, nor gleaned information from other institutions, that would indicate whether natural immunity is effective in curbing the spread of covid.

Hence, millions of Americans are being mandated to "get the jab or lose the job" based on evidence with a gigantic hole in it. That CDC and the rest of the federal health system would be so lackadaisical about gathering such data is worse than appalling. It smacks of conspiracy, with Anthony Fauci, MD, as one of the ringleaders.

Now if -- a very unlikely if -- federal health agencies kept track of this data but simply found no case of a once-infected person being reinfected, that would be very strong proof that the government knew that natural immunity is highly effective for covid, but didn't want the American people to know. Again, smacks of conspiracy.

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