Friday, December 10, 2021

Sell-out crowds to greet Petersens
and their lively bluegrass Christmas

Ellen Petersen Haygood, left, and her sister Julianne Petersen handle many of the female lead vocals for the Petersens, a task they share with their sister Katie. All excell as singers and on their instruments: banjo, mando and five-string fiddle.


The Petersens, an Ozarks bluegrass band with a worldwide Youtube following, is bringing a lively Christmas show to sellout crowds in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

The band specializes in "American roots" music, blending the old and the new into what some see as a new genre in the making. Their gaiety keeps crowds smiling and tapping their feet to the well-crafted performances, which are well-known for their family-pleaser style.

Christmas With The Petersens will be showing at the Palace Arts Center, Grapevine, at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec, 18, and at 3 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 19. All shows are scheduled for an hour and a half. Many tickets, priced at $28 a seat, have already been sold.

The youthful band is supported by their mother, Karen Petersen, who plays bass fiddle. She has a large following known as the "Get It Mama Fan Club."

Don't let their youthfulness fool you. These bandmates always put out a tight, top-notch performance.

Good Christmas fun.

Background on the Petersens

As of Dec. 10, Saturday's performance has three adjacent seats left in the left upper balcony.

Sunday afternoon's performance has a block of six seats and three adjacent seats available in the left upper balcony.

Sunday evening's performance has a block of 22 seats available in the left upper balcony, 18 in the right upper balcony and three in the right floor wing.

(The balcony extends a considerable distance above the floor.)

The few remaining tickets may be purchased by using THIS LINK.
From left: Emmett Franz (dobro); Julianne (mandolin), Katie (fiddle); and Karen Petersen (bass); and Ellen Haygood Petersen (banjo).

From left: Ellen (banjo), Julianne (harmonica), Katie (fiddle) and Matt (guitar).

From left: Emmett, Katie, Ellen, Karen, Julianne and Matt.


The Petersens, a fun-loving family bluegrass band, is making waves in Nashville and elsewhere, as we see from the following buzz in Bluegrass Today.

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