Monday, November 22, 2021

Global gambit unfolding
to set up new world order

UN has classified formerly public report on Agenda 21

We now see happening worldwide dictatorial controls imposed on citizens of supposed democracies based on media hype, very sketchy data and disarmed citizenries.

Oh gracious! How to deal with the inconvenient truth as plain as the nose on your face: Brand the obvious a "conspiracy theory."

Even the communist-collaborating Joe Biden is in on this game, though he's running into the grim, though unspoken, reality of America being full of armed, angry men and women.

What do we see happening? We see a coordinated campaign by ruling elites to suppress democracy in order to implement some new world order or other, one that suits the in crowd and makes muzzled sheep of the rest of us. We are not being protected. We are being robbed of liberty in a systematic, deliberate way by the Marxists and their allies among the capitalist elite, who vainly imagine that they'll be fine once the world is fully collectivized.

We've all heard that the covid pandemic appeared almost immediately after an international conference discussed how to cope with -- the next pandemic. Yes, mere coincidence is possible. So is non-coincidence possible. At this point, claims of conspiracy or mere coincidence are both guesses.

So I checked out the UN's Agenda 21, which had been targeted as a cloaked plan favoring national disempowerment of individuals and Marxist-style collectivization in order to "save" the environment. The UN has taken offline its reports on the subject, I suppose on ground that it's almost 2022 and not all the measures could have been implemented during the covid pandemic.

I went to one skeptic's page and found that Youtube had deleted his five-minute video explaining his interpretation of Agenda 21. (Hey, doesn't Youtube still permit 9/11 skepticism videos?) I followed his links and arrived at an interpretive account of the UN's 300-page report. I was able to skim that summary courtesy of the Wayback Machine. But when I tried to go from a link there to the UN report: Nada.

All I wanted to do was read the UN's previously public report, but found that I was not "authorized" to read it. Evidently it is now classified. Bureaucrats are always failing to understand that such actions fuel the very "conspiracy theories" they decry. I would have been happy to put any mistaken understandings in perspective -- if they were mistaken. But, the citizens of the nations who are to come under the UN's plan are being prevented from reading an accurate statement of what the UN has in mind for them.

And then we see deliberately induced covid martial law measures sweeping democratic nations whose citizens have first been disarmed. Is the classified UN Agenda 21 report somehow interlinked with the covid dictatorship measures sweeping the world or not? No way to be sure, because the centralized media systems -- several of which run across national borders -- are easily used as instruments of propaganda by elite insiders. And it has been obvious for a while now that that is exactly how they are used.

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