Monday, November 22, 2021

National gun ban aids
Australia covid tyranny

Media centralization also spurs mindless credulity among citizenry

A national gun clampdown occurred in Australia in 1996 after a shooting massacre in Port Arthur prompted authorities to pressure citizens to turn over their firearms to the government, which succeeded in garnering more than a million weapons, possibly a third of the national stock.

No one may own or carry a gun without a "valid" reason. The right of self-defense is not an acceptable reason in Australia, as is also the case in New Jersey, New York State and other blue states, which were subjected to the most extreme covid controls in America.

In addition, ownership and control of Australian media, as is the case with U.S. media, have increasingly fallen into fewer and fewer hands, thus making it easy to promote political agendas using Goebbels' techniques of mass persuasion that gloss over and ignore important realities.

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