Friday, April 19, 2024

Surf's up in Matt's room

Well, the surf IS up somewhere. So is Matt's finely modulated pitch as he and his band, the Petersens, reprise the Beach Boys number In My Room in his room, where there isn't much surf.

Unless you count the surf-like party atmosphere given off by the players.

Matt has a most excellent voice, and so it is quite interesting that he aimed a bit above his usual pitch when singing lead. No doubt he wanted to do the Beach Boys justice. He has, and he and his bandmates have put together a polished Bluegrass fusion gem. Bravo.

As is so often true of this band, the impact of the audio and the visuals together is very, very pleasing.

It appears that the set is Matt's old room in his parents' house, rather than at his current residence. One clue is that mandolinist Julianne is wearing slippers. She was still living at home when the video was shot, we're led to assume.

The video outro, when the credits roll, is fun, as the adult kids act like the little kids who once all lived together in that house in the live entertainment mecca of Branson, Mo.

You'll notice that in the video, Ellen (married to musician Mike Haygood) is still very pregnant, meaning the video was shot before Oct. 12, when she gave birth to a baby girl.

Another observation: Matt has since lost the stash.

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