Friday, April 26, 2024

Steroids and sports chems

As a public service, NEWS of the WORLD reprints The FUNNY STUFF FUNNIES, an educational comic book giving basic facts on drugs and alcohol. Each post reproduces a page from the booklet, which is aimed at young persons and which avoids sermonizing and excessive wordiness.

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Discussed on this page are
Anabolic steroids
Human growth hormone
Beta blockers
Anabolic steroids
People use anabolic steroids to help them bulk up and become "more masculine." The drugs tend to enhance the effects of weight training and other forms of athletic activity.

These artificial chems are closely related to the natural hormone testosterone, which promotes maleness in males.

Because of that effect, steroids are sometimes taken by females who prefer to deny their birth gender. In particular, for teens, hormone balance is important. Hormones are involved in the development of a girl's feminine traits and a boy's masculine traits.

There are sound medical reasons for use of steroids -- but only for people who are very ill. Sports associations are these days always on the lookout for doping by steroids. One they detect often is boldenone (sold under the brand Equipoise), which is only legal for veterinary use.

Some people take steroids by pill, others use a syringe to inject the stuff into a muscle.

Those who buy 'roids in the gym and sports worlds tend to take 10 to 100 times more than any prescribed dosage.

Buck: Tiger by the Tail

Some generic names: trenbolone, oxymetholone, methandrostenolone, nandrolone, stanozolol, boldenone and oxandrolone.

Some brand names: Anadrol, Oxandrin, Dianabol, Winstrol, Deca-Durabolin and Equipoise.

Excessive use can trigger 'roid rage in some. That might not turn out well. Suicide is another possibility.

Other possible side effects:
Heart disease
Liver disease
Mood disorders
Weakened disease-fighting
In young people, out-of-sync bone growth
In hopes of getting big faster, some steroid users take two or more kinds of steroids at once. Of course, there is no data available that proves that this is an especially effective technique.
Other potential problems:
Guys: Shrunken testicles, reduced sperm count and breast growth.

Girls: Masculine traits, deepened voices, excessive body hair, reduced breast size.
Not growing to your proper height. Steroids tell the teen body that it's done growing.

Severe acne, greasy hair and baldness (that goes for girls as well as guys).
Human growth hormone
In children and teens, human growth hormone kindles bodily growth. In people of all ages, the hormone is critical to maintenance of the body. An artificial form of the hormone is manufactured and used for medical reasons. It has also been a common element in various sports doping scandals.

Researchers have found that growth hormone increases lean body mass among physically fit young adults, but has no positive effect on performance. In fact, those who take growth hormone are more likely to retain fluid and become fatigued.

Possible side effects:
Overgrown head, hands and feet
Heart disease
Muscle and joint pain
High blood pressure
Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator used to relieve the constricted breathing of asthma. The pills are illegal in the United States.

The chem, which speeds up the nervous system and metabolism, is used by some people to burn off body fat. They're also hoping to maintain any muscle gain. How well that works is an open question.
In addition, athletes like having their lung capacity hiked. They feel that the boost in oxygen improves their stamina.

Other effects are similar to those from other stimulants:
Increased energy
Greater determination
Other possibilities:
Atypical sweating
Raised body temperature
EPO is a hormone that increases red blood cells and can improve endurance. Health risks include:
Blood clots
Heart attack
Beta blockers
Beta blockers reduce the effects of adrenalin and slow the heart rate, curbing blood pressure and anxiety. This may improve the performance of athletes who need a steady hand (such as in archery or shooting).

Health risks include:
Reduced circulation
Dry mouth
Asthma attack
Memory loss
Heart failure
Diuretics promote loss of water from the body through urination. They may be used by athletes to reduce their weight or to flush other drugs out of the body.

Possible effects:
Muscle cramps
Skin rash
Loss of appetite
Heart rhythm problems
Kidney problems
For more on drugs in athletics, go here.
The author of The Funny Stuff Funnies takes sole responsibility for the content of this e-booklet. This booklet has not been sponsored, either directly or indirectly, by any government or non-government organization or fellowship, such as AA or NA.
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