Friday, April 26, 2024

People will swallow anything

As a public service, NEWS of the WORLD reprints The FUNNY STUFF FUNNIES, an educational comic book giving basic facts on drugs and alcohol. Each post reproduces a page from the booklet, which is aimed at young persons and which avoids sermonizing and excessive wordiness.

Tap phone images for better views.
Americans of all ages swallow all sorts of mind-bender chems in order to affect their mood and mental outlook.

Alcohol seems to be the most enjoyed -- and sometimes abused -- drug of all. But in many situations teens find it easier to get ahold of controlled chems than to obtain liquor.

People have been using and sometimes abusing alcohol and drugs since the dawn
of civilization, and probably before. Alcohol, opium (the basis of heroin), cannabis (the basis of marijuana) and coca (the basis of cocaine) have been consumed for thousands of years. Other chems used for many centuries include mescaline, peyote, "magic mushrooms" and tobacco.

In fact, numerous brain-twisting chems have been around for a very long time.


There don't seem to be any easy solutions to the social and personal problems that stem from use of intoxicants.

In any case, it is worthwhile knowing a few basics about how these various chemicals affect people. Some of these chems can mess up your brain or lead to pretty bad diseases. Maybe not always, but still, it's better to know what could happen.

Alcohol and quite a few other drugs tend to spur the "old brain," which regulates your body -- including your heart and respiratory systems.

Downers -- like alcohol, heroin, tranquilizers, painkillers and barbiturates -- slow your heart and depress your breathing. Many a death has occurred when downer drugs dialed down the heart and lungs. Highly dangerous is the mix of alcohol and some other depressant drug.

On the other hand, uppers -- like cocaine and amphetamines -- speed up the heart and increase respiration. Your heart may pump wildly and skip beats, leading to a heart attack. If the heart goes too wild, the brain can get jammed by a blood clot -- resulting in a stroke or seizure.


Chems that take you "out of yourself" on a fantastic trip -- such as LSD   and peyote -- tend to jolt the "new brain." The new brain's control center is overwhelmed by the rush of incoming signals, and as a result the old primitive brain may gain the upper hand.

In fact, whenever alcohol or a drug is overused, the primitive old brain almost always takes the lead.

[Without getting into neuroscience details, we say that the old brain handles basic survival chores and emotions while the new brain handles reasoning and acts as a restraint on unreasoned, emotional behavior.]

Fake love
Chems may bring on a sense of phony intimacy. But you may come to regret the result. Think: disease, pregnancy, bitter humiliation.

And such chems tend to blot out the possibility of deep bonding with another person. Chems certainly are no substitute for a loving relationship.

(We are not speaking against medicines prescribed to alleviate mood disorders.)

When you're kind to another person, you're kind to yourself.
The author of The Funny Stuff Funnies takes sole responsibility for the content of this e-booklet. This booklet has not been sponsored, either directly or indirectly, by any government or non-government organization or fellowship, such as AA or NA.
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The Lunapic image editor contributed greatly to this booklet's pictorial enhancement. Other image editors used were Palette and Petalica.
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