Friday, April 26, 2024

Mixed up and overloaded

As a public service, NEWS of the WORLD reprints The FUNNY STUFF FUNNIES, an educational comic book giving basic facts on drugs and alcohol. Each post reproduces a page from the booklet, which is aimed at young persons and which avoids sermonizing and excessive wordiness.

Tap phone images for better views.
Mixing alcohol with other drugs and medicines is risky. You might make the medicine useless. You might end up with a far bigger punch than you expect.

Many people have died after taking downers, like benzos or barbiturates, and drinking alcohol.

People who mix uppers -- like amphetamines -- and downers risk temporary insanity. People have been known to kill themselves while in the midst of drug-induced psychosis.

Enormous amounts of alcohol guzzled quickly can kill you. Your nervous system shuts down, thus switching off your heart and lungs. Bang! You're dead.

Heavy drinking for even a few years can cause a lot of damage inside -- including to the liver and brain. It often happens that such damage cannot be reversed.

Some people will swallow anything and everything -- all in a short time. That's why they are called trash heads.

Too much of any one drug may be harmful. And since "too much" depends on things like age, sex, weight and health, how can you be sure how much is too much? Knowing how many milligrams are in a particular dose may not be especially useful.

Pharmacists often warn against drug mixes precisely because the two (or more) acting together is much more dangerous than either one acting alone. Many thousands of people have suffered grievously -- even died -- from such mixing.

One trio to avoid: uppers, downers and alcohol. Cocaine, benzos and rum is an example of a combo that can lead to violent insanity and ruined lives -- yours included.
For more on alcohol, please go to the alcohol page.
For more on other downers, please go to the downers page.

The author of The Funny Stuff Funnies takes sole responsibility for the content of this e-booklet. This booklet has not been sponsored, either directly or indirectly, by any government or non-government organization or fellowship, such as AA or NA.
Go to NEXT page.
Find table of content for Funny Stuff Funnies at this link.
The Lunapic image editor contributed greatly to this booklet's pictorial enhancement. Other image editors used were Palette and Petalica.
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