Friday, April 26, 2024

Jab jitters
Problems from needles

As a public service, NEWS of the WORLD reprints The FUNNY STUFF FUNNIES, an educational comic book giving basic facts on drugs and alcohol. Each post reproduces a page from the booklet, which is aimed at young persons and which avoids sermonizing and excessive wordiness.

Tap phone images for better views.
Many young people who start out popping prescription pain pills would never dream of shooting up with syringes. Yet that's the road they travel. The pills are pricey and as their need for them worsens, they find relief for their cravings with a cheaper pain-killer: heroin. Various drugs are commonly injected into the body via hypodermic needles as a means of delivering a "big, fast bang for the buck."

The three types of injection are:
IV, or intravenous. The needle is inserted into a vein so that the drug is transmitted to the brain receptors rapidly in an undiluted form. The effect -- or "rush" -- takes a few seconds.

Muscle. The needle is inserted into a muscle, so that a user need not find a vein. (Veins tend to collapse as the number of needle jabs goes up.) The chem is felt within minutes.

Skin-popping.  The needle  is inserted at an angle  so that it goes under the skin, where the chem soaks into the capillary system. The chem starts acting within minutes.
Health effects of needle use
If needles were always sanitary, the risk of death or disease would be considerably lower among users. But, even careful users are likely to run into situations where their need is so strong that they think nothing of sharing a needle with another addict.

Also, if the needle is clean but the syringe is not, disease can spread. The entire set of "works" must be clean.

So a number of viruses are circulating today among addicts everywhere because they go from one user's blood stream to another via unclean hypodermic needles.

Among the diseases are:
HIV-Aids. Tho treatment of this disease has improved greatly in recent years, even so it is a disease you can do without. You may be getting expert care and good medicines, but your quality of life and life expectancy are still quite negatively affected.

Hepatitus (both Type B and Type C). Chronic hepatitis B or C can result in serious, even life-threatening health problems like cirrhosis and liver cancer. People with chronic hepatitis often have no symptoms and don’t feel sick. By the time symptoms do appear, the liver may be in very bad shape. If caught in time, the diseases can be treated with anti-virals, such as Interferon. Such treatrment can be lengthy and unpleasant.

✓ Dangerous bacterial infections. Abscesses, if left untreated, can develop into major problems. Untreated septicemia -- blood poisoning by bacteria -- may progress to septic shock, which has a death rate as high as 50 percent, depending on the type of bacteria.
The author of The Funny Stuff Funnies takes sole responsibility for the content of this e-booklet. This booklet has not been sponsored, either directly or indirectly, by any government or non-government organization or fellowship, such as AA or NA.

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The Lunapic image editor contributed greatly to this booklet's pictorial enhancement. Other image editors used were Palette and Petalica.
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