Friday, April 26, 2024


As a public service, NEWS of the WORLD reprints The FUNNY STUFF FUNNIES, an educational comic book giving basic facts on drugs and alcohol. Each post reproduces a page from the booklet, which is aimed at young persons and which avoids sermonizing and excessive wordiness.

Tap phone images for better views.
Chemical vapors can make users high by slowing down the brain and nervous system. Often the slowdown occurs because the brain is experiencing damage. Slurred speech, poor coordination, dizziness and hallucinations are all possible.

Here are some of the goofy things people sniff and snort:
Spray paint
Cleaning fluid
Side effects include severe brain damage and death. The liver and kidney may also be horribly injured.

Overdose victims may go into seizures. Their hearts may stop.

Youngsters need to be made aware of how very dangerous such a high is.
The author of The Funny Stuff Funnies takes sole responsibility for the content of this e-booklet. This booklet has not been sponsored, either directly or indirectly, by any government or non-government organization or fellowship, such as AA or NA.
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Find table of content for Funny Stuff Funnies at this link.
The Lunapic image editor contributed greatly to this booklet's pictorial enhancement. Other image editors used were Palette and Petalica.
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