Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Gates: Pandemic vaxes highly flawed

Bill Gates, the billionaire promoter of vaccination programs worldwide, has made a candid public admission that the current pandemic vaccines are largely ineffective, thus implicitly condemning the universal vaccination agendas of a number of countries and politicians.

Speaking before a think tank audience in Sydney, Australia, Gates said three major problems of vaccines need fixing. "The current vaccines are not infection-blocking. They're not broad, so that when new variants come up, you lose protection. And, they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people."

Aside from suggesting that covid vaccines and boosters don't provide much protection, Gates indicates that only older people (and the immuno-compromised) need the vaccines -- even tho they have been vigorously promoted for the general population, including for healthy children, by government health authorities, partisan political leaders and teacher unions.

Gates said that with sufficient funding, including from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, these flaws could be overcome.

He praised Australia's health authorities for keeping the covid rate low thru use of vaccinations and lockdowns, which he contrasted with high covid rates generally in rich countries. The billionaire did not seem to notice that his candor on vaccine problems contradicts much of his foundation's public policy.

You can find the relevant segment at 54:30.
Backup link:

Lowy Institute is a Sydney, Australia, think tank.
Video came to my attention via Jordan Schachtel at the Dossier

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