Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Profs warn data signal vax peril.
Covid vaccines worthless, they find

Two professors at a London university find a correlation between high vaccination rates and surges in excess deaths worldwide. They warn that "the vaccines don’t look to be safe."

They add that the data show that the vaccines are ineffective, which they see as "old news."

But the two caution that their analysis is "exploratory."

Norman Fenton and Martin Neil, data scientists and statisticians at Queen Mary University of London, found a "statistically significant linear relationship between countries that are highly vaccinated and excess deaths."

Profs discuss their findings

The professors conclude that:
☑ There is no evidence to support long-covid as a cause of excess deaths.
☑ There is weak evidence of the negative effect of lockdown measures.
☑ Healthcare quality looks to be irrelevant, but "we are not satisfied we have good metrics for this."
☑ "Clearly the surge in Covid-19 and its effect on excess deaths shows the vaccines are not effective. This looks self-evident and this isn’t news."
☑ There is a clear signal that the vaccination program is causing at least some of the excess death rate. With this data, the vaccines don’t look to be safe.
About Norman Fenton

About Martin Neil

The academics caution that they have given "nowhere near the final word on the issue," adding,  "It is EXPLORATORY, in the same way that in ‘olden days of yore’ scientists and statisticians would have been all too eager to answer difficult questions requiring honest evaluation of all available evidence."
This story came to our attention via Igor Chudov's newsletter.
Tory MP sees vax heart peril coverup

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