Friday, December 30, 2022

Aussie lawmaker blisters gov't on vax peril

The political pushback against "coerced" covid vaccinations is not limited to a few wild-eyed fanatics. Australian Senator Gerard Rennick's fiery speech earlier trhis month is an example of the pressure against top-down "command-and-control" health policing.

Rennick  says Greens, Labor  are "protecting their own narrative." The result has been disastrous for ordinary people, many of whom have been harmed by the vaccines, he says.

Says the opposition "had been saying … that the spike protein wasn't in the blood. Well, had he read the report he would have known that they never tested [for] the spike protein."

The opposition "would have also known that when they did the animal trials, the report said there was no difference in lung inflammation between the placebo group and the vaccinated group after nine days. There was not one [wit] of evidence that showed the vaccine was effective.

"But did anyone in this chamber … actually read that report? I bet you not. But you all went out there and said it was safe and effective, when you didn't have a clue what you were talking about.

"Shame on you, because the law in this country, in the Australian Immunization Register, says you cannot be coerced into taking a vaccine, No. 1, and No. 2 is that you need to be properly informed about what is in the vaccine … "

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