Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Who doctored the Adam Lanza photo?

The New York Times used to say that the Hunter Biden laptop matter was "bogus" and a "hoax." Now not so.
But it still says the Sandy Hook "non-massacre" data are part of a "hoax" and are "bogus."
Would the Times help us understand who put out a doctored, distorted photo of Adam Lanza, the purported killer, that made him appear to be wildly abnormal? Who went on the internet to slap up that bogus, hoax photo used by media worldwide? And why was it done?
The doctored photo below is attributed to NBC News.

The next photo, also attributed to NBC, is slightly more credible, tho one can be forgiven for suspecting that the bug eyes were added in order to make the kid look as crazy as possible.

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