Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Saving -- or murdering -- our kids?

Tucker targets CDC covid trickery

A requirement that your kids get covid-vaxxed in order to attend school is no slam dunk in logic. Yet, that's what the CDC has in mind.

Consider tho that hardly any young people need it, as covid does not trigger dangerous symptoms in them. Only a few immuno-compromised youngsters might conceivably benefit. Then there is the discredited argument that vaccinated people don't spread covid to others. Absurd. Symptomless carriers of diseases are an old, old story.

Well, perhaps the vaccine helps bring on herd immunity faster and hence that counts for limiting spread? The problem with that idea is that mutations are then encouraged -- mutations for which new vaccines must be formulated.

The biggest problem is that the vaccines are not properly studied and tested in advance, because they cannot be. Not enough time.

Yet, vaccines always carry at least some risk of bad consequences for the vaccinated person. The "safe and effective" claim for a particular vaccine means that these negative risks are far outweighed by the benefits.

The problem with that line of thought is that the pharma companies and the government do not have the proper data to do good cost-benefit analyses. This means that your kid is a guinea pig, and no one knows how much of a risk he or she really faces.

Numerous studies have shown that covid vaccines have severe problems, tho the data are being brushed under the rug.

The question is: Since your child probably doesn't need a covid shot, why is she or he being put at any risk at all by being forced to get one?

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