Friday, November 25, 2022

None dare call it conspiracy.
Tycoons move to kill Twitter

This must be the product of a great conspiracy, a conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man. A conspiracy of infamy so black that, when it is finally exposed, its principals shall be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest men.

Vast plot to throttle American speech

Europe wants Twitter under lock and key

UK demands that Musk muzzle Twitter

It's true that we don't yet know how Twitter chief Elon Musk plans to implement his plan to limit the reach of those whom he feels go too far in their tweets. But, notice that the giant multinational corporations aren't waiting to find out. They clearly prefer a system with a very narrow bandwidth for acceptable talk, a system they control via legacy media and big tech. That system benefits a very small group of powerful people -- the globalist elite -- who wish to protect their positions by holding power to keep Americans and all others unaware of their doings and agendas.

Rest assured that the conspiracy that is gunning for Musk is the same cabal that is pressing to have Wikileaks founder Julian Assange brought to the United States and tried for breaking their monopolistic control of information. Would you not think the U.S. press would be highly concerned about the Justice Department's transparent ruse to set a precedent for limiting freedom of speech?

You would be wrong if that's what you thought. The legacy media are NOT INTERESTED in the first amendment. They are interested in protecting their conspiratorial masters -- many of whom are up to their armpits in greedy guts schemes to feed at communist China's trough.

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