Friday, October 28, 2022

Musk takeover gladdens Putin

Warm 'n' fuzzy Twitter to beckon advertisers

Elon Musk wants to promote social "dialog" -- limited to the correct political bandwidth -- in order to help humanity and to sell ads, as Twitter's new owner explains in an open letter to advertisers.

He's opposed to Twitter being one of the echo chambers of the extreme right or extreme left. Further, "Twitter cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said, with no consequences!"

So tho he would replatform Donald Trump, perhaps some of Trump's lesser light followers could stay under ban. Another implication here is that the new boss is ready to use the brownout technique, which drastically limits the reach of what might otherwise be viral tweets.

As Musk has recently called for an immediate negotiated settlement of Russia's war against Ukraine, does that mean those who oppose negotiating away Ukrainian territory will be subjected to the brownout treatment?

Musk talks a good game about favoring free speech, but his caveats tell another story.

It's noteworthy that Musk capitulated on the Twitter deal -- dropping his demand for further information on possible fraud and agreeing to the full sticker price -- while the Russian military was collapsing in the face of a major Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Musk letter

New Petersens video

Julianne does Bob Dylan

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Covid-addled Vlad plays with nukes

"So comrades, how do these things work?"
"Ulp! Time for your longterm covid pill, Leader."
"Well I think we should give peace a chance, and not be enemies with the West. Let's see, should I turn this dial?"
"Not the best option, Comrade Vladimir. The Americans will blow Russia to the worker's paradise."
"Oh, but we're fine. They're more afraid to die than the Russian people. They're much sturdier stuff... "By the way, how's the conscript training going?"
"Training? They're too sturdy to need training."
"That reminds me, what is your report on those few malcontents who ran away from conscription and are now living outside Russia?"
"We're operating under the assumption that professional dissidents will find a fertile recruiting ground for major political opposition against your august highness. We've assigned the FSB and other units to surveil the not-so-sturdy runaways."
"The FSB? They got everything wrong on the special military operation... Yes, I'll have that covid pill now."

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Grassed-up rock by the Petersens:
from the Beatles to Coldplay and beyond

Rock, soft rock, country rock,
and pop rock -- bluegrass style

The Petersens are proficient in various genres. Grassed-up rock is one of their specialties.
From left in foreground: Ellen and Julianne Petersen, and Emmett Franz. In background: Karen Petersen.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Sunak doesn't give a damn about Assange

Walks away from questioner,
calling matter a mere 'legal case'

Politics comes before ethics, true justice

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Putin troops poised for Belarus annexation

Russian columns pour in at Lukashenko's invite
With a pro-Moscow autocrat, Aleksandr Lukashenko, in power, the question arises as to when annexation of Belarus will occur. The conditions in Belarus are similar to those used to rationalize the military operation in Ukraine.

The ethnic Russian community in Belarus is purportedly under "Nazi" threat from anti-Putin nationalists, who are eager to boot Lukashenko and his pro-Moscow confederates.

Will 9,000 Russian "boots on the ground" of Belarus, along with armored vehicles, suffice to force conditions for annexation? Lukashenko is careful not to mention such a goal. As a paid Moscow puppet, the crafty autocrat knows better. Yet there is no denying that the stage is now set for annexation of White Russia, a territory Putin plainly considers to be a legitimate part of historical Russia.

'Emperor' Xi, apostle of Marxism-Leninism

China's future lies not in free market but in communism,
says third-termer who surrounds himself with yes-men

China's Communist Party general secretary obtained a precedent-breaking third term as president of the country and consolidated his hold over the party and country by stacking the Politburo Standing Committee, the party’s top body, with his loyalists.

Before having himself "crowned emperor," Xi gave a long speech in which he defended his tilt away from the "evils" of capitalism and back toward Marxism-Leninism. He called Marxism, as adapted to China, the answer to China's social and economic problems.

As the New York Times observed, Xi talked far more about Marxism than markets in his opening speech at the party congress. Highlights from Xi's Oct. 16 speech to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party:
China's economy [which is largely driven by capitalist market dynamics] was beset by acute structural and institutional problems. Development was imbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable, and the traditional development model could no longer keep us moving forward. Some deep-seated problems in institutions and barriers built by vested interests were becoming more and more apparent. Some people lacked confidence in the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics, and, all too often, we saw laws being ignored or not being strictly enforced. Misguided patterns of thinking such as money worship, hedonism, egocentricity, and historical nihilism were common, and online discourse was rife with disorder. All this had a grave impact on people's thinking and the public opinion environment.

Over the past decade, we have stayed committed to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development, and we have fully implemented the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as well as the Party's basic line and basic policy.

We have strengthened Party leadership in all respects. We have made clear that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, that the Party is the highest force of political leadership, and that upholding the centralized, unified leadership of the Party Central Committee is the highest political principle. We have made systematic improvements to the Party's leadership systems. All Party members have become more conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership.

They have become more purposeful in closely following the Party Central Committee in thinking, political stance, and action, and they have continued to improve their capacity for political judgment, thinking, and implementation. All this has ensured the Party Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership and guaranteed that the Party fulfills its core role of exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all sides. Now, our Marxist party of over 96 million members enjoys greater unity and solidarity than ever.

We have established and upheld a foundational system for ensuring the guiding role of Marxism in the ideological domain.

We have worked ceaselessly to improve Party conduct and enforce Party discipline. We have hammered away at the task of rectifying pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance; opposed privilege-seeking mindsets and practices; and taken strong action to address misconduct and corruption that occur at people's doorsteps. Thanks to these efforts, unhealthy tendencies that had long gone unchecked have been reversed, and deep-seated problems that had plagued us for years have been remedied.

We have waged a battle against corruption on a scale unprecedented in our history. Driven by a strong sense of mission, we have resolved to "offend a few thousand rather than fail 1.4 billion" and to clear our Party of all its ills.

Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology upon which our Party and our country are founded and thrive. Our experience has taught us that, at the fundamental level, we owe the success of our Party and socialism with Chinese characteristics to the fact that Marxism works, particularly when it is adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of our times. The sound theoretical guidance of Marxism is the source from which our Party draws its firm belief and conviction and which enables our Party to seize the historical initiative.

Chinese Communists are keenly aware that only by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and fine traditional culture and only by applying dialectical and historical materialism can we provide correct answers to the major questions presented by the times and discovered through practice and can we ensure that Marxism always retains its vigor and vitality.

New York Times story

Transcript of Xi's speech

Kherson girds for urban hell

Raw draftees left in city as officers slip away
Russia plans to exact a toll on Ukrainian forces in the city of Kherson by using raw recruits in savage house-to-house urban combat, according to various indicators.

Russian authorities have been pressuring city inhabitants to evacuate on a major scale, implying that they foresee a harsh period of urban warfare. Hapless Russian conscripts would be hidden among the buildings to make Ukrainian assault forces pay bitterly.

This contrasts with the urban warfare in Mariupol, when Russian rockets, missiles and artillery shells pulverized the city so that Russian troops might advance with lowered resistance. The Ukrainians however will be hard put to use such a technique as it would appear that they are doing just what they had condemned. Still, if the city has been evacuated, Kyiv might be able to justify blowing down probable Russian hideouts.

A major question is how willing the ill-trained conscripts are to die to cover the retreat of the remaining Russian forces. The probability of mass defections to the Ukrainians gives Russian commanders a major headache. The likelihood of such defections is enhanced by the fact that a disproportionate number of the conscripts are not ethnic Russians, but members of minority groups living in remote regions of the Russian Federation.

The Ukrainian general staff said some Russian elements are preparing Kherson for urban combat, while other soldiers continue to flee the city via the ferry operating in the vicinity of the Antonivsky Bridge.

The Russian Kherson Occupation Administration announced that “all citizens of Kherson must immediately leave the city” and said that all civilians and “all departments and ministries of civil administration must now cross over" to the east bank of the Dnipro River.

From the Institute for the Study of War:
Russian forces are preparing a series of delaying actions with mixed efficacy. Russian forces are likely preparing to destroy the dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant, flooding and widening the Dnipro River to delay any Ukrainian advances. Russian occupation authorities in Nova Kakhovka are likely attempting to moderate the resultant flooding; Nova Kakhovka Occupation head Vladimir Leontyev said on October 22 that Russian authorities are lowering the volume of water from the reservoir behind the dam to minimize damage in case the [plant] is destroyed but stayed true to the false narrative that Ukraine, not Russia, would blow the dam. Ukraine has no interest destroying the dam and every interest in preserving the energy supply in newly-liberated parts of Kherson Oblast.

Ukraine’s Southern Operational Command reiterated that Russian military leadership has moved their officer corps across the river but left newly-mobilized men on the western bank of the Dnipro River as a detachment left in contact. Using such inexperienced forces to conduct a delaying action could prompt a Russian rout if Ukrainian forces choose to press the attack, as ISW previously assessed. One Russian milblogger noted that the situation in Kherson Oblast is dire for Russian troops, noting that it is ”virtually impossible” for Russia to evacuate troops from the first lines of defense and that only two questions remain: how to withdraw the final front line of forces, and how to explain the withdrawal to the Russian population.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Census errors favored blue states over red

Russians hope to avoid a Kherson rout
but Moscow hawks are very gloomy

From the Institute for the Study of War:
The Russian withdrawal from western Kherson Oblast has begun. Russian forces likely intend to continue that withdrawal over the next several weeks but may struggle to withdraw in good order if Ukrainian forces choose to attack. Ukraine’s Southern Operational Command stated on October 21 that Russian forces are “quite actively” transferring ammunition, military equipment, and some unspecified units from the Dnipro River’s west bank to the east bank via ferries.

The Southern Operational Command added that Russian forces deployed 2,000 mobilized men to hold the frontlines and are continuing to shell Ukrainian positions, likely in an effort to cover their withdrawal. Ukrainian military officials reported that the Russian occupation administration is preparing the evacuation of imported Russian specialists, Ukrainian collaborators, and Kherson’s banking system. Russian occupation administration in Beryslav and humanitarian facilities in Kherson City also reportedly ceased operations.

The Russian withdrawal from western Kherson requires that a Russian detachment left in contact hold the line against Ukrainian attack, covering other Russian forces as they withdraw. Such a detachment must be well-trained, professional, and prepared to die for its compatriots to effectively perform that duty. The deputy chief of the Main Operational Department of the Ukrainian General Staff, Brig.Gen. Oleksiy Hromov, assessed on Oct. 20 that that Russian military leadership may withdraw “the most combat-capable units” from the left-bank part of the region to the right bank of the Dnipro River and leave mobilized soldiers in contact to cover the withdrawal.

Russian milbloggers seized on Hromov’s assessment on Oct. 21 and claimed that Ukrainian officials falsely said that elite units like the VDV and marines are being replaced by untrained mobilized men in Kherson.

If Hromov’s assessment is correct, then Russian forces would be setting conditions for a Russian withdrawal to become a rout. Russia’s poorly trained, newly mobilized reservists are very unlikely to stand and resist a Ukrainian counterattack if Ukrainian forces chose to attack them and chase the withdrawing forces. The collapse of a mobilized reservist detachment left in contact would likely lead to a Ukrainian rout of Russian forces on the same scale as Ukraine’s rout of Russian forces in Kharkiv.

Russian officials have remained cagey about whether or not Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a withdrawal from Kherson and are likely continuing to prepare the information space for such a collapse, as ISW has previously assessed. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov dodged a direct question from reporters addressing the likely withdrawal and directed reporters to the Ministry of Defense on Oct. 21. One Russian milblogger noted on Oct. 21 that Russian forces “will receive bad news from Kherson Oblast” in the coming week and that “November will be very, very hard.”

A Russian war correspondent told Russian state-controlled television on Oct. 19 that Ukrainian forces outnumber Russian forces by four to one and that "there will be no good news in the next two months, that’s for sure … severe territorial losses are likely in these two months, but defeat in one battle does not mean losing the war.”

Friday, October 21, 2022

Desperado. New release by the Petersens

 #ThePetersens #TheEagles #Desperado

7 charged for Red plot inside U.S.

Communist ring tried to force dissident back to China

Thursday, October 20, 2022

What happened to James Gordon Meek?

Is the newsman being held incommunicado after an FBI swat team arrest or did he flee from public scrutiny?
The Biden Justice Department and the FBI have clamped a lid on all information concerning the April raid on the newsman's D.C. flat.
His former employer, the Disney media giant ABC-Hulu, is refusing to delve into the matter.

Tatiana Siegel's expose in Rolling Stone

Russia said to conduct 'ethnic cleansing'

'Mass deportations aim at full Russification
of areas facing Ukrainian recapture'

From the Institute for the Study of War:
Russia continues to use the guise of civilian “evacuations” as a cover for the mass forced removal of civilians from Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. Saldo’s announcement of a mass withdrawal from the west bank of the Dnipro River is likely intended in part to evacuate Russian occupation officials, collaborators, and other occupation organs in anticipation of imminent Ukrainian advances, but Russian officials are likely also using the façade of humanitarian necessity to deport large populations of Ukrainians to Russia, as ISW has previously reported. Russia does not appear to reap any economic benefits from resettling tens of thousands of unwilling Ukrainians in Russia, suggesting that the purpose of such removals is both to damage Ukraine’s long-term economic recovery as it retakes its territory and, more importantly, to support Russia’s ethnic cleansing campaign, which is attempting to eradicate the Ukrainian ethnicity and culture. The Russians may also intend to press “evacuated” Ukrainians into their armed forces, offsetting the losses and failures of the partial mobilization.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Lacking real military options,
Putin clamps down on civilians

'General' Vlad hopes sweeping decrees will stop Ukrainians

Russian commander braces for fall of Kherson

General accuses Ukrainians of cheating at war

Martial law edicts mean summary conscription,
which could include military age women

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

White House is told to be ready to compromise

McCarthy's comments on Ukraine aid should be seen as a signal that political horsetrading is on the agenda.// Assuming the GOP takes the House, McCarthy is saying that if the White House wants aid to Ukraine, it must be prepared to negotiate on Republican concerns, such as border control and deficit control.

As Goldman goes, so go BlackRock and Vanguard?

Goldman Sachs appears to be downshifting its investment banking business amid the sharp changes occurring in the U.S. economy. Does this imply that the economy-stradddling investment funds, such as BlackRock and Vanguard, are headed for rough waters? Goldman can reformulate its overall business model, but, if need be, can BlackRock and Vanguard?

Moonies run Japan's leadership

South Korea-based Unification Church
exposed as power behind ruling group

Friday, October 14, 2022

Russians fleeing Kherson

Fight turning into rout as ill-trained draftees throw down their shoddy weapons. Many Russians have already run away to Russia, Kherson official concedes./draft That clever Putin has found a way to make conscripts fight in Ukraine even tho Russian law forbids that. Just say that the Ukraine oblasts are now part of Russia! Magic! Now you must go to hell: die within days of arrival -- as has happened -- or surrender to the tender hearted Ukrainians. Thank you, tricky Vlad! Russia has too many male loafers anyway.

The genuine article

Authentic Bluegrass by a highly talented and beautiful Ozarks trio.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Air power woes crimp Russia

Missiles can't make up for lack of air support for ground forces

Vladimir Putin's missile barrage against Ukraine is a sign of his shrunken options, experts are saying. In fact, reliance on missiles stems from Russia's lack of air superiority over Ukraine, a lack that points to a gloomy future for Putin's "special military operation."

America went through a similar experience in Vietnam, when it tried to make up for its limited success on the ground with furious air attacks. But, as Washington learned, air attacks are insufficiently effective without strong success on the ground.

But unlike the United States in Vietnam, Moscow lacks control over Ukrainian air space, which would allow for the intensive strikes by jet and helicopter that helped it defeat rebels in Syria and Chechnya. Without air superiority, and little chance of attaining it considering Ukraine's effective antiaircraft systems, Russia faces grim prospects on the battlefield.

And yet Russian hawks who have been screaming for major shows of force don't seem to comprehend the military realities, thus pushing Putin into a very bad position.

The dictator has pledged even greater escalation if Ukraine touches Russia's critical infrastructure, which is what he considers the bombed Kerch Strait bridge to the Crimean Peninsula that was illegally seized from Ukraine in 2014.

But the real reason for this act and his threats is that Russia is losing the ground war in Ukraine, and Putin's policies threaten to sacrifice the remaining troops in eastern and southern Ukraine. The Kerch bridge is crucial to a regular and heavy duty supply chain to forces in southern Ukraine, as well as to Putin's naval force based at Sevastopol in Crimea. Though the Russians say the bridge is still usable by car, bus and trains, the loss of a roadway and the weakening of the structure mean that trucks must now be ferried over the strait.

Logistics experts are confident that the bridge damage creates a bad enough bottleneck to worsen the Russian army's already highly strained supply situation.

Russia still faces the same strategic difficulties it did before Monday's attacks: demoralized and poorly equipped forces spread along 600 miles of front, with long supply lines vulnerable to Ukrainian attacks.

NATO's secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, described Russia's missile barrage as a sign of weakness. "Russia is actually losing on the battlefield," he told reporters.

From Reuters, we have,
Western military analysts say the strikes came at a staggering cost, depleted a dwindling supply of long-range missiles, hit no major military targets and are unlikely to change the course of a war going badly for Moscow.

"Russia lacks the missiles to mount attacks of this sort often, as it is running out of stocks and the Ukrainians are claiming a high success rate in intercepting many of those already used," wrote Lawrence Freedman, emeritus professor of war studies at King's College London.

Ukraine says Russia fired 83 cruise missiles Monday and that it shot down at least 43 of them. Moscow says it fired more than 70 and all its targets were hit. Each Kalibr cruise missile is estimated to cost $6.5 million, meaning Moscow fired around half a billion dollars worth of missiles in a single day.

As far back as July, Joseph Dempsey and Douglas Barrie of the International Institute for Strategic Studies noted that Russia was increasingly using anti-ship missiles to strike targets on the ground. This "suggests that Moscow is having to muster its remaining conventionally armed land attack cruise missile resources more carefully," they wrote.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Putin gambles with safety of his forces
but how many missiles can he squander?

Russia's barrage of some 80 missiles against Ukraine Monday is viewed by military experts as a risky gamble.

Though Russian ultra-nationalists welcomed the onslaught ordered by Dictator Vladimir Putin, military observers say that Putin is squandering his missiles on low-value civilian targets -- missiles that will then be unavailable for the defense of Russian forces on the eastern and southern fronts.

Western intelligence, according to the Institute for the Study of War, believes that Putin has already used up a substantial percentage of his missile stock, a point underscored by the fact that defensive missiles have been stripped from St. Petersburg for use as offensive weapons on the Ukraine front. In particular, it is believed he is running low on advanced high-precision missiles.

But, Gen. Sergei Surovikin, a general with experience in air force command, seems to be targeting Ukraine's power plants in hopes of weakening the civilian populace's ability to carry on and to prevent Ukraine's defense industries from operating. Yet there is some doubt as to whether such a maneuver will suffice to prevent Ukraine forces from inflicting further defeats on Putin's harried remaining ground forces in Ukraine.

Putin rationalized his missile barrage on ground that the Ukrainians were infinging on “Russian” territory — meaning the areas of east and south Ukraine that he has just annexed, along with Crimea, which was seized from Ukraine in 2014.

Surovkin's appointment Saturday as the Ukraine front commander is seen as a victory for the militarists who have been badgering Putin to conduct a more aggressive campaign. On the other hand a target of the hawks' ire, Defense Minister Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, was shown attending a meeting of Putin's security council, implying that he has not yet been removed from office.

The missile barrage -- with more such pledged by Putin front-man Dmitry Medvedev -- is viewed by pro-war military bloggers as proper payback. But these hawks, who had become openly critical of Putin and his top sidekicks, are insufficiently alert to the gamble of such spectacular displays. During World War II, British analysts were secretly satisfied that Hitler was pouring so many resources into the V2 rockets that inflicted indiscriminate damage on British cities because he was diverting resources from the program to build militarily useful Messerschmit fighter planes.

While a severe response from Russia had been widely anticipated following explosions that caused the partial collapse of the bridge linking it to Crimea, the bombing of Ukraine's capital appeared to bear all the hallmarks of Surovikin.

Ukraine authorities reported that 84 cruise missiles and 24 "kamikaze" drones were launched at Ukraine on Oct. 10, of which 43 missiles and 13 drones were shot down.

At least 105 persons were reported injured, and 19 others were killed, authorities said. Hit were 117 different sites around the country, dozens of which were residential, Ukraine said, adding that eleven "critical infrastructure" sites were reportedly struck.

Power outages occurred across the country and in the capital, and residents were asked to reduce electricity consumption while government workers repaired power grids. Ukraine was also forced to stop exporting electricity to Europe in order to stabilize its own grid after the strikes hit Ukrainian power plants.

From Sky News, we learn,
A military veteran who served in the Soviet Union's ultimately doomed war with Afghanistan during the 1980s, the 55-year-old Surovikin is infamous for ordering troops to open fire on pro-democracy protesters in Moscow, when three persons were killed during the final days of the Soviet Union in 1991.

He went on to lead Russian forces' intervention during the Syrian War in 2017.

Surovikin is accused of complicity in the indiscriminate bombing of opposition fighters and of overseeing chemical weapon attacks, in a campaign thought to have been pivotal in helping Syria's government regain control over most of the country.

The consensus among experts is that Putin's decision to have Surovikin take charge of Russia's forces in Ukraine is a direct result of his reputation for ruthlessness and brutality. [Even so, the previous commander, Gen. Aleksandr Dvornikov also was known as a ruthless man, having earned the sobriquet "the butcher of Syria." Following Russia's disastrous rollback, Dvornikov was placed in charge of army logistics.]

Surovikin is seen as an ally of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder and head of the shadowy Wagner mercenary group, which is believed to have been active for Russia in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

He has been among the most prominent hawkish critics of Russia's defense ministry while demanding an escalation of the conflict from Moscow.

"Prigozhin gave Surovikin a thumbs up on his Telegram [messaging app] channel over the weekend," one observer noted.

Sky News and the Kyiv Independent were sources of some information in the report above.

Rattled Putin plays missile politics

Russia's rain of missile terror is a political move meant to placate Russian hawks, who had publicly berated him and urged a tough response to the Crimean bridge bombing.

But, though the gesture is painful for the civilian populaces targeted, the missile attacks are unlikely to prevent Ukrainian encirclement and destruction of major military units. The fact that Dictator Vladimir Putin has now named an air force general to command Russian forces in Ukraine implies that he may well have given up on the army's ability to win and now foresees a heavy air war that is to be conducted with missiles.

Such tactics make it imperative for Ukrainians to find ways to neutralize Russian missile launch sites, which means that allies will be under pressure to provide counter-weapons that can reach fairly deep into Russian territory. So far, Ukraine has not dropped missiles onto Russian cities and towns, but that eventuality looms larger as Putin refuses to acknowledge the gravity of Russia's military situation.
Russia's client, Belarus President  Aleksandr Lukashenko, clearly prompted by the Kremlin, said he was positioning Belarusian troops near the Ukraine border to team up with Russian troops. But dissent and skepticism in Belarus about joining the war are likely to continue to restrain his hand. He fears a revolution that could see him toppled from power.

The decision to respond to the Kerch bridge blast with a savage burst of missile fire may help Putin retain power for now, as his ultra-nationalist base's criticisms will be temporarily silenced. But, one more military disaster is likely to release the genie of harsh criticism again and such a disaster seems to be very likely as Ukrainian forces continue to divide and encircle major Russian units.

Militarily, the Russians are said to be hoping they can stave off significant Ukrainian progress until the winter months make combat difficult in the eastern regions. Yet, Ukraine, if supplied with proper cold-weather equipment, may be able to continue the fight during that time. Still, it would be better for all if Putin would step aside now so that Russia can get the best peace possible in light of the bad military situation.

By not stepping aside, Putin motivates Ukraine to retake Crimea and utterly abolish Russian interests on the peninsula. A settlement however might yield a Crimea under a UN mandate that guarantees both Ukrainian and Russian interests.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Horrified hawks turn on Putin

Reeling from the Crimean bridge disaster, major military reverses in Ukraine and a wildly unpopular call-up of 300,000 conscripts, Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin and his Kremlin subordinates are taking direct political fire from the Russian pro-war nationalist community.

Some military bloggers, who represent and speak to that community on Telegram, criticized the failure of Putin and his Kremlin subordinates to address major events forthrightly, noting that it is challenging to rally behind Putin when his government relies on secrecy, observed the Institute for the Study of War in a communique today. "Others noted that Putin has consistently failed to address incidents such as the sinking of the cruiser Moskva or the prisoner exchange of Azovstal fighters whom the Kremlin had consistently demonized since the Battle of Mariupol."

Some of these bloggers, who are said to represent powerful interests such as the Wagner Group paramilitary, said that Putin must retaliate for the explosion on the Kerch Strait Bridge lest his silence be perceived as ”weakness.” Hours after the bridge blast Russian missiles rained down on civilian targets in Ukraine, killing more than a dozen persons.
Those military bloggers who did not criticize Putin by name instead criticized Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chair of Russia's security council, for remaining silent following the explosion despite having made several public claims that an attack on the Crimean Bridge was a Russian “red line.” Medvedev, a former president and front-man for Putin, and the council are set to huddle with Putin Monday, Tass reported.

Direct criticism of Putin from this community is unheard of, the institute noted. The military bloggers and other nationalist figures continue to express overwhelming support for Putin’s stated goals in Ukraine -- though not for Putin himself -- and had hitherto blamed failures and setbacks on the Russian military command or the defense ministry.

Under such pressure, the Russian dictator sought today to lay public blame to Ukrainian "terrorists," though unconfirmed reports said Russian security services, in an internecine struggle for survival, were behind the bombing. The bomb-rigged truck had come through Russia on a Black Sea-skirting route originating in Bulgaria, a NATO country which tilts toward Russia, according to a top Moscow official.

These critiques from the hawks are seen by many as attempts by aghast nationalists to shift the blame from themselves for advocating a policy for which Russia was not prepared, militarily or domestically. The institute suggests that the hawks don't think Putin is up to the job of "de-nazifying" Ukraine, implying that his core political base is eroding rapidly.

The institute noted,
Putin’s stated objectives for the invasion he launched on Feb. 24 deeply resonated with the nationalist community, which firmly subscribes to the ideology of Russia’s historic and cultural superiority and right to control over the territories of the former Soviet Union and the Russian Empire. Recent military failures have caused some milbloggers to become concerned about Putin’s commitment to that ideology, however, with some milbloggers even accusing him of failing to uphold the ideology even prior to the full-scale invasion in February 2022. One milblogger noted on Oct. 7 his disgust with the Russian political elite, including Putin, for consistently failing to seize Ukraine after the Euromaidan Revolution in 2014 [when Ukrainians ousted pro-Russian leadership] and for conducting an “ugly special military operation” that only further united Ukrainians and the West against Russia.
The institute commented that, whatever the hawks had been demanding, Putin cannot win the special military operation. "Shuffling senior commanders will not fix the systemic problems that have hamstrung Russian operations, logistics, defense industry, and mobilization from the outset of the invasion." The think tank added that "scapegoats can deflect criticism from Putin only for a time."

The institute's commentary comes amid reports that a feared secret police unit, named for the founder of Soviet Russia's secret police, Felix Dzherzinsky, had rounded up high-ranking members of the military and defense ministry as suspects in a plot connected to the Kerch Bridge sabotage.

'Military plotters seized in Moscow,'
span blast seen as FSB dirty work

Dictator Vladimir Putin's defense boss and the chief of his general staff were ousted shortly after the Kerch bridge blast as a group of top military officers were arrested by a furtive secret police unit, according to reports from Moscow.

Under fierce criticism from pro-war military bloggers, Putin and the man formerly known as his alter ego, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, had been reeling amid a political inferno, Moscow reports say.

Following the Kerch Bridge blast, several military bloggers, who support a paramilitary organization sometimes known as Putin's private army, said that the Kremlin had replaced Shoigu and the general staff's chief, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, with Tula Province Governor Alexey Dyumin and the deputy commander-in-chief of ground forces, Lt. Gen. Alexander Matovnikov.  (The information on the military bloggers backing the Wagner Group paramilitaries comes from the Institute for the Study of War. No information on their posts was available via Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo search engines.)

The ousters were preceded by a swift move, shortly after the bridge blast Saturday, of the elite Dzerzhinsky Separate Operation Purpose Division, which entered Moscow and arrested a number of military officials, according to information cited by the institute. (Information on this action was again restricted by major search engines.)

But Putin Sunday deflected attention from the internal crisis, telling the public that the explosion was the work of Ukrainian "terrorists" bent on destroying Russian infrastructure. It was unclear whether the dictator was merely trying to maintain an appearance of Kremlin stability or whether he was scrambling to "pick the winner" among the security forces.

The arrest reports come in light of a Ukrainian belief that the bridge blast was a result of a conflict among Russian security forces.

Mykhailo Podoliak, adviser to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, called the bridge blast a sign of a struggle among Russian security forces. The Federal Security Service and the Wagner Group were at odds the the defense ministry and the powerful general staff, he said.

Podoliak said that the bomb-laden truck seems to  have driven onto the bridge from the Russian side.  He believes the logistics of the detonation, the fact that it happened just as a fuel train passed and the power of the explosion point to some Russian operation.

He believes that the Russian leadership is looking for people to blame for the defeats at the front, and that the FSB and Wagner Group owners wanted the defense minister and staff chief fired.

Podoliak said he suspects that the FSB was framed by other security forces, thus undermining its status for permitting such an event to occur. Similarly, the aide said, the FSB can be blamed for collapse of supply chains to the dazed Russian forces in east and south Ukraine.

But a top Kremlin official responsible for heading the bridge blast inquiry said the FSB is investigating the blast. Alexander Bastrykin conceded that the bomb-laden truck had come through Russia, traveling around, and possibly through, the Black Sea from Bulgaria. Other areas transited were Georgia, Armenia, North Ossetia and Krasnodar Territory, Bastrykin said. He did not mention Turkey as a transit country, though it may have been.

Bulgaria, though a NATO member, is completely dependent on Russia's Gazprom energy company for petrol and in June installed a pro-Russian government -- despite the population's highly negative view of Putin.

What sort of supplies might be originating in Bulgaria is not obvious but as the country's vigorous free market economy is a center of much international trade it seems probable that the Russian military relies on its operatives there to bypass Western embargoes on various high tech spare parts.

Meanwhile, Tass reported that Putin was to meet with Russian security council members Monday but asserted that the Kremlin had no information on whether the bridge blast would be discussed.

Officials have reported that car and truck traffic has resumed crossing on the one surviving roadway, but that trucks must be ferried across the Kerch Strait, indicating that the surviving roadway is in a weakened condition. Though there is no visible structural damage to the railway span, concussive effects may have weakened it, implying that the entire bridge could still be rendered unusable.

In another development, U.S. Gen. Wesley K. Clark, said he favored a measured advance by Ukrainian forces -- which is what they appear to be doing. It is unwise to outrun supply lines "pell mell" and potentially run into a big ambush, the former top NATO commander told CNN.

The retired general observed that Russian forces have been split or soon will be and that they face relentless battering, especially as their command and control positions are taken out (which occurs when HIMARS long-range rocketry is teamed with strong intelligence).

Clark said Putin has been nuclear saber-rattling in order to instill fear in the West so as to undercut military support for Ukraine. But, the general said, as NATO commander he had overseen numerous training exercises with simulated tactical nuclear weapons and had had "disappointing" results because forces were too mobile and the nukes could do little more than blow down a lot of trees. Russia must be made to see that use of such weapons -- which admittedly could devastate a city -- would have no impact on the progress of Ukrainian troops, he said.

The general reprimanded former President Donald Trump for speaking of a danger of World War III as playing into Putin's hands from a propaganda perspective.

Joe Biden however had a similar warning. “We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis,” he said. “I don't think there's any such thing as the ability to easily (use) a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon.”

The White House quickly walked back the remarks, saying Biden meant that the stakes are very high.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Chinese communist police patrol New York

Global enforcement octopus disclosed

Russians face new resupply squeeze

Bomb damage to the heavily guarded Crimea-Russia bridge underscores the vulnerability of Vladimir Putin's forces in Ukraine.

Truck traffic will be halted until Russia can replace the wrecked section though, a Russian official said, the rail bridge is back in operation. Cargo that had come by truck must now be transferred to rail cars, meaning a squeeze on what supplies can get through.
Russian forces have already been undergoing severe resupply problems, and these problems can only get worse, even though the crucial supply line was not -- apparently -- completely cut. Certainly Russia cannot repair the bridge quickly enough to stave off supply shortages in the continuing campaign to hold back Ukrainian forces in the regions annexed by Putin.

In addition, the Russian navy based at Sevastopol in Crimea faces a crimp in its resupplies of artillery shells, rockets, missiles and spare parts, nor can its sailors count on adequate food supplies.

Blazing fuel tank cars raise the question of whether Russia’s fuel supplies have now been jeopardized during this crucial phase of the war.

All Putin could do was to order a commission to investigate how the supposedly impregnable bridge was hit and order further security measures. The bridge already has an air-defense system that makes it extremely hard to hit, along with naval patrols that include trained dolphins which can detect undersea divers.

Truck bomb wrecks Russia-Crimea bridge

Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, and the 12-mile Crimean Bridge linking it to Russia's transport network was opened with great fanfare four years later by Putin.

It is a major artery for Russian forces that control most of southern Ukraine's Kherson region, and for the Russian naval port of Sevastopol, where the governor told locals: "Keep calm. Don't panic."

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Sputnik bares Kremlin nuke misquotes

A major Russian government media site today contrasted misquotations by top Kremlin officials with what the president of Ukraine actually said about nuclear deterrence.

Sputnik News, widely viewed as a propaganda arm of the Russian government, aired official claims that Ukraine's Volodomyr Zelinksky had called for preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia with his actual words.

Speaking at Australia's Lowy Institute via video link, Zelensky urged NATO to launch "preemptive strikes" on Russia, instead of "waiting for Russia's nuclear strikes."
“What should NATO do? [It should] eliminate the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons. But what is important, I once again appeal to the international community, as it was before Feb. 24: preemptive strikes [are important] so that they know what will happen to them if [nuclear weapons] are used. It should not be vice versa, as in to wait for Russia's nuclear strikes."
But Russian officials misquoted Zelensky, saying he favored launching pre-emptive nuclear strikes on Russia, Sputnik made clear. In the first place, Zelensky did not necessarily urge strikes on nuclear missile targets. Secondly he did not say that NATO should use nuclear weapons. He favored preemptive strikes as a warning against use of nuclear weapons. Demonstrations of conventional power on Russian territory might suffice for that purpose.

But, in any case, strikes against Russian missile-launchers might be made using non-nuclear means, such as with conventional bombs attached to radar-dodging cruise missiles or via electronic jamming of launch systems, assuming codes have been cracked.

Most importantly, Zelensky was responding to the numerous hints from Dictator Vladimir Putin and his operatives that the Kremlin would not rule out use of nuclear weapons in the "special military operation" that is at present going very badly for Putin.

According to Sputnik's reporting, Putin's people went on the propaganda offensive against Zelensky.

Maria Zakharova, foreign ministry spokeswoman, wrote on Telegram:
President of Ukraine Zelensky: "NATO must launch preventive nuclear strikes against Russia."
She added,
The West is fomenting a nuclear war. Every person on the planet should realize that the puppet and unbalanced character Zelensky, pumped up with weapons, has turned into a monster whose hands can destroy the planet.
A Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov,  told Sputnik that Zelensky's statements about "preventive nuclear strikes" against Russia cannot be ignored by the international community, since they are nothing short of a call to start a World War, which will entail catastrophic repercussions. He blamed Washington and London for Zelensky's remarks, saying that they control Kyiv.

Reacting to the Ukrainian president's remarks, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for a "preemptive craniotomy" on Zelensky.

"Zelensky announced the need for preventive nuclear strikes on Russia," he wrote on Telegram. "Psychiatrists should perform a preemptive craniotomy on this idiot before he causes more trouble for his people and everyone else." 

Russia faces loss of another city

Luhansk province fate 'worrisome,'
Kremlin-backed official declares

A Russian-backed official concedes that "main medical and social institutions are being evacuated" from Svatove, a city in the contested Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine, the Kremlin's news agency, Tass, reports.

The "main medical and social institutions are being evacuated," said Rodion Miroshnik, an official of the Luhansk region's Russian puppet government. He said city authorities are now working in a "reduced state."

Miroshnik termed the situation in northern and northwestern parts of the Luhansk province, where Svatovo is located, as "worrisome, but stable."

Ukrainians armed with night-fighting technology make the situation in Svatove dangerous, another puppet government official said Thursday. Speaking on Russian television, Vitaly Kisilyov said that pro-Russian forces are bracing for night attacks by Ukrainian fighters.

"All offensive moves [toward Svatovo] will most likely be carried out at night, because America provides a lot of money and all sorts of equipment," such as "night vision scopes, thermal scopes and so on, which they will use to infiltrate our territories in small groups and thus approach ever closer to the contact line."

Russia puppet tells defense chief to kill himself

Reacts to reverses across Ukraine

Barrage of criticism lashes Kremlin

Kremlin tries to blunt furor with treason charge
but the war critic is an easy political target

Routed Russians left comrades' bodies behind

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

'Putin's liars cover up Russia's peril'

The people 'are not stupid,' key lawmaker fumes

State news outlets sponsored by the Russian government today aired charges by a top legislator that Vladimir Putin's military officials are lying to Russians about their homeland "being in danger today."

Andrey Kartapolov, chairman of the defense committee of the Duma, or lower house of parliament, accused the ministry of defense of a massive coverup of the truth about Russian reverses in Ukraine and repeated previous charges that Putin officials have been waging a campaign of lies to the Russian people. Kartapolov's charges were aired by Russia-1, a state-owned Russian television channel, and by RT, which is also tied to the government.

Russians should receive more information about what is actually happening at the frontlines of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, insists Andrey Kartapolov, Chairman of the State Duma (lower house of parliament) Defense Committee.

Speaking on Solovyov Live, Kartapolov -- who holds the rank of colonel general -- said  Wednesday that the defense ministry must stop hiding information from citizens and be more truthful in its reports. Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov is a television interviewer.

“No more lies. We’ve talked about this before. [RT Editor-in-Chief] Margarita Simonyan has spoken about this at length but, apparently, this has not reached the ears of some individual leaders,” Kartapolov said, arguing that the Soviet Information Bureau during the early months of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 was more forthcoming than are Putin's minions.

“In every report they [Soviet authorities] said that somewhere we are retreating, somewhere we are stubbornly repelling the attacks of a superior enemy, somewhere we have left settlements,” Kartapolov said, stressing that when people scanned the Soviet reports, they gained an understanding that the situation was difficult and that the country was in danger.

Kartapolov said that Russia is also in danger today and that the enemy is already on Russian land. He was referring to the Belgorod Region, where, he says, nearly all villages bordering Ukraine have been destroyed, with the Russian city of Valuiki is under constant fire.

The chairman lamented the fact that none of this information is being reported by official sources and people learn about these things from governors, telegram channels and military correspondents.

“The reports from the defense ministry barely change their content,” Kartapolov observed, warning that the Russian people “are not stupid” and can see that they are not being allowed to learn even a portion of the actual truth.

“This can lead to a loss of credibility,” the lawmaker warned.

While the defense ministry releases daily updates on its Telegram channel, reporting on the number of enemy combatants or equipment destroyed, it rarely indicates how many Russian service personnel are killed or injured, or how much military equipment is lost in the fighting, RT noted.

The last time Moscow officially announced its losses was on Sept. 21, when Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said the Russian military had lost some 6,000 fighters since hostilities broke out in late February. According to the Ukrainian side, about 55,000 Russian soldiers have been killed.
RT is the source of the report above.

Kherson 'crisis' undercuts Putin's optimism

A pro-invasion Telegram channel, reputedly run by the Russian war correspondent German Kulikovskiy, said Russia was facing an “obvious operational crisis” in the south. The observer lamented that there are no reinforcements to aid Russian soldiers thrown into disarray in the Kherson region.

One of Ukraine’s major goals appears to be the recapture of the city of Kherson, where tens of thousands of Russian soldiers are believed to be stationed.

The channel, the Elder Edda, said,
The operational crisis in the south is obvious to the Elder Edda. The situation is very similar to the one under Balakleya, Raisins and Kupyansk. Ukrainians, as smart people warned, inflicted 2 main blows, but in the south the situation seems to me much harder than in the north. Our mistakes are obvious and now in order to correct them, the southern command must prepare the cities, Berislav, Novaya Kakhovka and, above all, Kherson, for defense. For real defense, according to all the rules of military science. It makes no sense to scold someone now; everything has been said for a long time. And yes, as much as I would not like to throw a mobile reserve into battle now, this cannot be done, at least massively. They must be prepared, they will have to defend with the forces available now, especially for the defensive phase on the prepared lines.
1.1M views Oct 4 at 13:11
The gloomy commentary comes in light of Dictator Vladimir Putin's stated assumption that the Russian military situation in the newly annexed regions would be stabilized.

In a sign that the "partial mobilization" is not going well, Putin told the public that a number of categories of men, such as various sorts of students, will be exempted from immediate call-up. But the army training command is already unable to cope with the massive inrush of new recruits and has had to push back the usual annual conscription from October to November.

Further, ABC News reports that 370,000 people have left Russia since the mobilization decree was announced -- 70,000 more people have left than the 300,000 targeted for conscription. The fact that some of these are women points to a fear that Putin will order women into the combat zone.