Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Starring NANCY as International Drama Queen
Pelosi usurps presidential power on foreign policy, announcing that HER Taiwan policy IS U.S. policy

The Constitution places the president, not the House speaker, over foreign policy. The Secretary of State position was created by the Constitution so that the foreign policy burden could be shared with that office-holder.

Nancy Pelosi assured her status as an "international drama queen" by contemptuously tearing up Biden's strong suggestion that she steer clear of Taiwan, later saying she enjoyed the thrill of danger during her visit while scorning the possibility that she had put islanders in danger. Critics say she was grandstanding on the taxpayer dime in order to impress the large anti-communist block of voters in Chinatown, a major constituency in her North San Francisco congressional district.

Critics also point out that the Taiwan visit came the day before her husband Paul's court hearing on charges of drunken driving that resulted in another person's injury. The "International drama queen" also needed to divert attention from the reveal that Paul had made a killing on inside information that most likely came from her or someone in her office.

China's Xi Jinping quickly tore up Pelosi's script by authorizing live-fire naval excercises in the waters around Taiwan. A U.S. battle group was steaming to Taiwan's waters, in a situation now spiraling into an A-level international crisis sparked by someone who knows better than anyone how to run the United States and sees no limits on her authority.

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