Monday, August 22, 2022

McConnell fears a Senate GOP majority

Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, senior senator from Kentucky, will not benefit from a GOP majority in the Senate. What did he mean when he said he was worried about the "quality" of GOP Senate candidates, which he said might cause the Senate to remain in Democrat hands?

He was talking about the Trump-backed candidates who won GOP primaries. McConnell won't retain his leadership post if the Trump faction dominates. He can only hope that Trump's candidates are routed by the Democrats so that he and other anti-Trumpers can hold the old-style GOP line in the Senate. McConnell, once he saw that the fix was in and that Trump had been declared the loser, threw over Trump and discouraged the Senate from adopting Ted Cruz's plan for a special commission to determine who could or could not be seated -- a maneuever that has a historical precedent.

McConnell's lukewarm support for new GOP Senate hopefuls signals that he and other stop-Trump Republicans plan to stifle appropriate campaign spending on behalf of this group of candidates. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., in June decried a large shortfall in campaign funds for the Take Back the Senate drive that is under his leadership. That drive is plainly aligned with Trump.
Patriot Act hypocrisy

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