Monday, May 30, 2022

Keeping a wary eye

We are now at a place where Russia sees the United States as essentially at war with her. Putin does anything at all that he thinks he can get away with in order to prevail in his Stalinistic grab of a neighboring nation.

What was one of Stalin's ambitions, or at least contingency plans? To destroy America from within by stirring up race war. In fact, Russia has always had that move in its toolbox. In the 1960s, the even-then controlled press mostly failed to report the strong evidence of communist influence in inciting the devastating race riots. Yes, of course there were great grievances that had been left unaddressed. But the point is that communists were taking full advantage of those grievances. Note that most of the rioting occurred during a time of war against communism in Southeast Asia.

Recently, even before Putin's invasion of Ukraine, the George Floyd civil disturbances spread across America's cities. Some were minor. Some quite violent. Quite a few were organized looting sprees that had little to do with real protest.

If you observed the behavior of the leftist local authorities and the press, you might have sensed a wilfull design to make sure the disorders spread. Curiously, BLM and affiliated movements were sponsored by self-proclaimed communists, who were the real movers and shakers behind the mass of liberals involved in the protests.

Now what are we seeing? Mass shootings with a strong racial (I prefer the word "ethnic") component. The fact that the last incident concerned Mexican-Americans shot by a Mexican-American in no way reduces the racial antagonism that is bound to spring up, especially when whipped into a devil's propaganda brew by leftist troublemakers. Then we have a press and an officialdom that, at best, neglect important facts concerning these events -- to the point that much of what we get is really fake news.

The shootings aren't the only things to consider. There is the Great Marginalization of America's poorer workers by the leftist government's catastrophic economic policies. Think that won't throw more fuel onto America's racial problems?

We don't of course have quite enough evidence to say that Deep State traitors are running an operation to foment race war in America as a means of destabilizing the country to make it weak against its adversaries. But enough has been exposed about the FBI and CIA operations in the Trump Frame-up and Witch Hunt to suspect that other dirty tactics are quite possible. It almost looks as tho a group of psy-ops professionals is working closely with clandestine actors to incite a race war. They probably think they have all this down to a science, and know exactly what social panic buttons to push, and when.

Sure, we have here a conspiracy conjecture. But cautious people should watch out for such maneuvers during nation-shaking times. We're not saying the conjecture is correct. We're saying, use due caution. We must never take American freedoms for granted. To do so is to dishonor the lives of all -- of every ethnicity -- who have perished on behalf of America.
If disarming citizenries is such a good idea, why is Germany now a vassal state of Putin's Russia?

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