Monday, February 7, 2022

NBC bars lawmaker's ad tying Olympics, genocide

The squelched advertisement observes that powerful U.S. corporations are complicit in genocide by the Chinese communists. Virtually admitting their guilt, no named U.S. corporation would respond at all to NewsNation Now's requests for comment. Apparently these companies had conspired in advance on how to cope with press queries on NBC's pro-communist decision.

The collective non-response of the traitorous corporations carries a penalty: They do not get to present their versions of events -- unless they are planning to have the soft-on-communism legacy media, such as NBC, air whitewashed propaganda reports as "news."

One can understand that the radical leftist NBC would bar such an ad. The network has been giving the Beijing Olympics massive coverage both in its primary newscast and in its daytime programing, though it did permit a few reports on the Uighur atrocities -- apparently in a lame attempt to counter expected criticism of NBC for aiding and abetting Beijing's massive global propaganda onslaught.

These are only a few of the companies taking genocidal
money from businesses controlled by communism.

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