Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Will the China Titanic go down shooting?

This apocolyptic video dates to Dec. 8. I may have puzzlements on a few points, but the overall assessment remains hard to blow off.
A very important point that I infer from this analysis: Once China's economic collapse really takes hold, the probability of communist military aggression against the United States increases exponentially.
Consider: the economy crashes and the Chinese can no longer afford to buy food on foreign markets to feed a desperate population. What are the amoral communist leaders likely to do? In consultation with their powerful military, they may seek to take over other countries by intimidation or military force in order to appropriate their farm produce.
Such a maneuver may first require a sudden strike on the United States in order to weaken us sufficiently to neutralize any military help we might give, or even to compel the U.S. to pay tribute to China in the form of farm produce.
All that sounds ridiculous only because you don't know what communists are really like when they fear to lose power.
The image above is not commensurate with the seriousness of the video analysis. Nor do I consider it important that this commentator uses a garage tool set as a backdrop. It's the thought that counts, not the window dressing.

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