Thursday, January 6, 2022

Questions for press on D.C. events of Jan. 6

✓ Should the event(s) of Jan. 6 be termed an "attack," a "riot" or a "disturbance"? Note that the first two terms are not, under the circumstances, politically neutral.

✓ Should the events be characterized as a "violent protest" or a generally "vigorous but peaceful protest tainted by acts of individual violence"?

✓ Should the occupation of the Capitol Building be viewed as an "insurrection" or as a protest taking its cue from various occupy-building protests, such as by Occupy Wall Street or by many student protests against the Vietnam war and draft?

✓ Should the the Jan. 6 protest be viewed as an "insurrection" or as a political statement in the tradition of the Boston Tea Party, the faceoff that led to the Boston Massacre, and John Brown's Raid, which enraged the South and won great admiration in the North?

✓ Is it responsible to fail to mention that the Democratic Congress is utterly uninterested in a thorough examination of the BLM riots and disturbances that erupted across the nation with little initial attempt to shut these disturbances down on the part of state and local Democratic officials. How can there be so much attention on Jan. 6 and none on the BLM disturbances that left a great measure of real heartbreak, billions in property damage and a scarred nation?

We note that the press would sometimes fail to distinguish between genuinely violent disturbances and peaceful occupy-type protests in the summer of BLM.

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