Wednesday, January 12, 2022

NBC: Biden's covid policy in shambles

NBC News: Covid confusion roils White House

Biden group running way behind on covid policy
as omicron surges across nation, say critics

NBC might have asked whether Biden's push in the Supreme Court for a vaccine mandate has already been overtaken by events. Omicron is racing through the country so fast that there is little likelihood that a vaccine can be developed in time that would make any difference. There seems to be little evidence that using boosters of the old vaccines will help much against the new variant.

The old variants are passe for a reason: Herd immunity has been reached for both of them. That is, on average, anyone infected with an old variant is likely to infect less than one other person. In other words, those variants have fizzled out. So what is the point of demanding vaccinations against those variants? Yes, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his flunkies insist that boosters probably help anyway against new variants. Yet the only way he can gather reliable data is to use the American people as guinea pigs.

Yet, do we need a vaccine mandate that gives the federal government the right to make working people guinea pigs?

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