Saturday, January 15, 2022

Isn't RFK Jr. just awful?

He actually has a mind of his own.

You'd think that that would be a good thing for an environmental lawyer. But he has offended his class, which accepts the brainwashing by the ruling elite (whoever they may be).

What are these offenses?

Well, for one, he is a (gasp!) conspiracy theorist! He thinks someone other than Sirhan Sirhan actually killed his dad, Robert F. Kennedy, who had just won the California primary. Oh, dear. WHO would want such an outcome? Maybe the same people who arranged the hit on RFK's brother, John F. Kennedy?

Washington Post piece on why RFK Jr. sees an injustice

Then there is his record as a vaccine critic. He and Robert De Niro promoted the notion that the mercury used in some vaccines was hazardous to some children. They were widely scorned (was Big Pharma behind that putdown push?). But consider that mercury is a heavy metal which is really not something one wants in her or his body. Trace amounts could conceivably trigger bad reactions in small children. Interestingly, vaccines made in this country no longer contain mercury.

And, by the way, should we not give this man some credit based on his specialty: environmental law, which implies he is used to doing his homework on the impacts of heavy metals.

The New York Times recently smeared him as a vaccine misinformer. Why? Because he's going up against the misinformer-in-chief, Anthony Fauci, and Fauci's so-terribly-trustworthy allies, the vaccine makers. Never fear! The fighting Irishman has a new book out: "The Real Anthony Fauci."

The positions Kennedy has espoused on covid mandates and vaccines are in line with those of numerous scientists and medics, including the Republican senator, Dr. Rand Paul. But because these positions do not follow the official line, Kennedy is ranked with the "misinformers."

Gee, how history repeats itself: Experts are intimidated by federal control of grants to maintain silence in the face of a federal propaganda blitz abetted by the often-hidden masters of the media. Courageous, truthful critics are smeared by every means possible. Let's see, when else did that happen? Oh yeah. The JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, the Martin Luther King assassination, 9/11, the anthrax attacks, the runup to the Iraq war (though that propaganda blitz eventually failed), George W. Bush's second "election," and Joe Biden's purported election.

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