Friday, December 31, 2021

Is Zigzag Fauci cognitively diminished?

At 81, Anthony Fauci remains an impressive talker. Iffff you don't listen too closely or are unaware of the amazing flipflops and zigzags he has taken during his tenure as the Preeminent Covid Big Shot.

But cognitive diminishment need not take the form of a lot of senior moments. Those senior moments mask temporary confusion, as memory circuits short out. But a person with a long career in an intellectual discipline such as virology might easily be more adept at staving off obvious confusion. That person may have better than average built-in resistance. But Mother Nature will find ways to exact her age tax -- though a few may succeed at avoiding it.

Has Fauci avoided that demanding Mother? Though his public statements seem plausible when taken piecemeal, when glued together they disclose a man who has little grasp of basic logic, let alone advanced scientific reasoning.

He is not known as Old Dr. ZigZag for nothing.

Already epidemiologists and other experts from across the political spectrum are beginning to push back against what they see as just plain rubbish coming from a clever, but silly, old man.

Essentially, we are confronted with two possibilities:

1. Fauci is an extremely amoral, cunning politician with no regard for ethical medicine or American liberty, or

2. He is a very confused elderly man trying to cling to his status at any cost.

America has come to a strange pass when she has a cognitively disabled senior in the presidency and another, who is either an evil genius or a cognitively disabled doctor touting the blessings of autocratic covid measures.

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