Sunday, November 21, 2021

Veritas crackdown timed
to sway Assange judges?

Consider the parallels between the FBI's handling of concerns about James O'Keefe, top editor of Project Veritas, an anti-abortion, conservative media outlet, and federal concerns about Julian Assange, who is facing extradition from Britain and prison in the United States if he loses a UK court battle.

During the last presidential election campaign, alleged diaries of Ashley Biden, Joe Biden's daughter who was 35 at the time, were leaked to Project Veritas, which could not verify their authenticity and which did not publish them. The materials were instead handed over to Florida law enforcement authorities.

Other media obtained similar materials and did publish them.

Veritas is detested by the hard left. It lost a California case for exposing abortion secrets, known to Planned Parenthood workers, based on a highly flexible interpretation of California wiretap laws whereby the workers who gave advice to members of the public were deemed "private" persons who had to be told they were being recorded by journalists.

Those who handled or published leaked materials that were thought to have tilted the election against Hillary Clinton have been targeted for payback by leftists in power. Assange leaked text messages from her campaign chief's cell phone and emails from the Democratic National Committee that exposed the DNC as controlled by the Clinton camp.

Apparently, the Biden Justice Dept. considers the passing of the "diaries" to police to have been irresponsible and tantamount to leaking them. Nevertheless, the FBI's data extraction from the Veritas chief's phone and seizure of materials used in the process of journalism sends a chilling message to news operations everywhere -- which may well be the Biden group's point.

It's quite interesting that the Justice Department attempt to criminalize journalism by supposed non-journalists comes as a British high court considers whether a lower court judge acted properly in refusing extradition based on evidence concerning Assange's mental state. That is because a major question is why Assange stands out like a sore thumb as the only publisher ever to be charged by the U.S. government with espionage for airing government secrets. Though the British appeals court is not supposed to be influenced by such questions, no one can prevent such cautions from entering judicial minds, as is well-known to covert psyops specialists at the CIA, which has been engaged in a fierce struggle to pay back Assange for leaking its data.

The fact that the specifics of the O'Keefe and Assange cases differ does not much limit the power of associative suggestion. The idea is to "answer" the "why only Assange?" question with a smooth false logic reply: America not only is prosecuting the "blacklisted" journalist Assange, it also is targeting other "blacklisted" journalists who have exercised the First Amendment right to publish or even handle leaked materials.

Project Veritas documents on federal probe

Activism Munich, a left-leaning group which strongly supports Assange, seems to be running into trouble getting its message out. Its Youtube numbers have become very low as the U.S. government uses every trick available to try to claw Assange out of Britain. So the group added a channel on the Youtube alternative Rumble. But, even though the channel exists, Rumble's search engine has no record of its existence, thus keeping view numbers absurdly low. All a matter of coincidence, of course.

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