Sunday, November 14, 2021

U.S. accused of imposing veto
on a prison marriage for Assange

As there are no pending British charges against Assange, the block on marriage does not appear to be in accord with his right to make civil choices, such as marriage, that are accorded him under British law.

Belmarsh prison authorities have also denied him the right to see his children by his partner, lawyer-activist Stella Moris, while he is being held as a flight risk because of his previous flight to the Ecuador embassy in London.

Moris charges that prison authorities ignored their applications until the last minute, when they told her the request had been referred to the crown prosecutor, who is representing the Biden Justice Department in the quest to imprison Assange as a purported "cyber terrorist" and "non-state hostile intelligence service" after he published a cache of routinely classified data on CIA surveillance techniques, many of which had already been discussed in the press.

Pick up Moris charge at 12:24

Assange and Moris have filed a lawsuit against British authorities for permitting the Biden group to dictate normal British rights to those sheltered by British law inside Britain.

The use of extreme political pressure in order to stifle dissent and free press dovetails with Joe Biden's mandate-happy frame of mind. No dissent on vaccine, or any other, mandates is wanted. (Another term for "mandate" is "dictator's decree.")

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